All, the report was of possible interest to many birders. My post was  
factual, &
I did not directly question this particular report. Nothing I wrote  
'questions' what
was posted to another list - it is what it is. It is excluding any  
(only) species the rarest "regularly" seen (more than a few documented  
in NY)
warbler in our region. The report (below) reads "absolutely certain" -  
so that's it.

David & Phil, your dubious distinction awards are taken with all  
seriousness, &
it's true, the comment and any further discussion better done  
privately with the
poster-reporter. Now that I have his email I've done that, with  
apologies to him.
Nonetheless, I stand by the specific comments I made, all valid - just  
not in a
forum that may have been best. I did get many responses, all of which  
will be
completely private (except two), in keeping with how I received them -  
And I'll gladly end with that but welcome any further responses, off- 
list please.

Anyhow for any edification it may provide is the full report as posted  
to that list:
Swainson's Warbler heard near Boathouse parking lot 6:30 AM       Message  

Reply           Message #7678 of 7682 < Prev | Next >
I heard an unusual song as I headed into the Ramble through the woods  
just north
of the Boathouse parking lot entrance (the area where the bicycles are  
there's a dumpster there also). I was just getting a purchase on the  
bird as I
moved south through the understory towards the fencing near the  
dumpster when a
park employee fired up a lawn mower nearby. Oh well. The bird stopped  
and vanished. Now that I've played the song at work, I am absolutely  
certain it
was a Swainson's Warbler.


Here again is my full response, admittedly not in the best form (on  
another list which I do not subscribe to - and/thus, did not have the  
reporter's full email address with which to send an email to directly) -
From:   Tom Fiore <>
Subject:        "report" of heard-only warbler, 5/5
Date:   May 5, 2010 1:00:47 PM EDT

Re: the following report I'd offer at least cautionary notes:

1.  This is a species whose song can be confused with a waterthrush  

2. There are a lot of people with broadcast-capable portable/personal  
electronic devices, and instances of such devices used for playing  
bird song where at least a few people were "fooled" (intentionally or  
not) into
believing they were hearing (whatever) actual bird singing, in the  
park where the bird reported was said to have been heard. Nowhere more  
prevalent than in the area of the park where reported... I myself have  
seen &
heard this take place (including those birders who believed they heard  
song X, Y, Z...)

3. The bird reported is exceedingly unexpected even if not quite  
casual in occurrence.

4. Report of such rarity deserves a full name & place of residence  
included in the post.

sharp ears -
discern well
& any news
report soon.

Tom Fiore,

On May 5, 2010, at 8:10 PM, david speiser wrote:

I find it dubious to question anyone's sighting on any listserve and  
believe me I could almost daily!!!  Those sort of comments are done  
best offline!!

David Speiser

 > Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 19:19:18 -0400
 > Subject: Re: [nysbirds-l] "report" of heard-only warbler, 5/5
 > From:
 > To:
 > Note: Tom doesn't run that list and as far as I know isn't even a  
subscriber to ebirdsnyc. How Tom thinks anyone should sign their post  
to that list is irrelevant. Since I do run that list I encourage  
people to sign first names but I have no current intention of making  
it mandatory. In fact Matthew did sign his post. Subscribers to the  
list can see his email and question him directly if they felt the urge.
 > But let's return the favor of making that post in the first place:
 > I find it dubious to start questioning sightings reported on other  
lists, especially in light of the author of the commentary. Other NYC  
birders might understand if I make allusions to throwing stones in  
glass houses.
 > Phil Jeffrey
 > Princeton/Ewing


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