Hi James & all,

At the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (in Queens County, New York City), Gull-billed Terns may be around for much of August and sometimes even into September but the best time to seek the species would be now or very soon... like all the locally-occuring Sterna (and other genera of) terns they may be more prone to wander and move on by the end of August & more certainly as September goes along. It is a somewhat more "solitary" species here so don't anticipate a feeding flock as with other terns such as Common or Least Terns, etc. - also listen for their distinctive sort of "yipping" calls which are different from the other local terns - indeed this can be a good way of locating one (if vocal, obviously) as it is with so many other birds, whether they are true songsters or not. In August though, they might be a bit less vocal than earlier in the summer season.

At Jamaica Bay Refuge, I've had more luck with this species from the southern sections of both the West Pond trail and the East Pond, however I also have sighted them off the north marsh (from the West Pond trail) and at the northern portion of the East Pond so it may just be coincidence in seeing them off or over the south sections. I've also spotted them over the bay itself any number of times, especially (again perhaps by coincidence) viewing from the south section of the W. Pond trail (ie looking south or southwest over the bay). In the recent past (and presently?) Gull-billed Tern was also regular at a few locations (or more?) on southern Long Island but farther east from Queens County. Perhaps some of the Long Island regulars will fill you in on that.

Good luck and let us know what you find in NY.


Tom Fiore,
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On Aug 10, 2010, at 11:20 AM, eyeflight16 AT optonline.net wrote:

I was just wondering if anyone could tell me when the Gull-billed Terns start to leave Jamaica Bay, as well as where the best spots to look for them there are. Thanks.

James Randall
Fairfield, CT


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