Re: [oauth] 3-legged OAuth without application registration

2010-02-21 Thread Allen Tom
Perhaps a Googler can jump in on this ­ Google allows Oauth apps to use ³anonymous² as their consumer key, with ³anonymous² as their consumer secret. These apps do not need to pre-register for a consumer key. See bullet point #2 in Google¹s Oauth docs regarding the ³anonymous² consumer key: http:/

Re: [oauth] Signature Invalid and Token Rejected Errors-Yahoo Oauth Social API using Javascript, Getting contacts from Yahoo using Social API by OAUTH

2010-02-21 Thread Allen Tom
This is one of the reasons why we simplified signatures in WRAP. Yahoo and other Service Providers have architectures where incoming requests are proxied and forwarded ­ the public facing hostname and even the path that¹s exposed to the consumer can be very different than the origin server ends up

[oauth] Problems with Python 2.5

2010-02-21 Thread Ben Dowling
Hi, I'm using django-fireeagle ( trunk/fire-eagle.html) on a project, which uses the Python OAuth module. With Python 2.6 everything works without any problems, but with Python 2.5 I get the following error: Exception Type: FireEagleException Exc

[oauth] 3-legged oauth -- user authorization failures -- what is the standard oauth spec

2010-02-21 Thread Mahesh Venkat
Hi, I recently implemented the 3-legged oauth as per the OAuth 1.0a specs. During the implementation I am finding some gaps in the specs for error scenarios. We have oauth_callback url to redirect the user to the consumer app after a successful user authorization. There are a number of exception c

[oauth] Re: 400 Bad Request?

2010-02-21 Thread Mark
Hi Vinod, I don't understand this though - the PC requesting the oauth service is just a regular user - I can't expect them to have their timezone set to be the same as the server? The server is using eastern standard time. There must be some way around this issue, otherwise all oauth services woul