Hi all folks,
I've a a maybe already asked question, so apologize in advance if I
didn't find the reply I'm looking for in the archive, I 'googled' and
raw codes before but unfortunately I didn't clarify my doubt.

I've been developing an OAuth SP for a customer and while writing the
Problem Reporting I've been in trouble about the response format:
reading the specification on


I understood that it should be, for example


There are some SP - I mean also Google - that replies in this different format:


What should be the right format?

In the case the first is the official,  in the wiki page the
'oauth_parameters_absent' is described as

"The parameter named oauth_parameters_absent consists of a set of
parameter names, percent-encoded and separated by '&'."

So, what's the right operations sequence? First the parameters
concatenation using '&' and then percent-encoding? Otherwise a message
that looks like


should be harder to understad!!!

Many thanks in advance, any kind of help is very well appreciated :)
Best regards!

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