Gmail always returns a non-empty scope value in our error response, so the
proposed protocol change would not affect our implementation.

On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 10:26 PM, Benjamin Kaduk <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> During the shepherd review for draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth-19, I noticed
> an old comment from Matt back in December 2013, in
> .
> The relevant point here is that sending a scope of "" (the empty string)
> during the authorization request violates the ABNF in RFC 6749.  (The
> other concerns seem to have been addressed by suggesting that a single
> scope be used, when recommending against a space-separated list.)
> In the current draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth-19, in section 3.2.2 ("Server
> Response to Failed Authentication"), we provide a way for the server to
> tell the client what scope to use, in a custom JSON message defined in the
> sasl-oauth document.  This error response has no obligation to comply to
> the ABNF of RFC 6749, so saying both that the scope field is optional and
> that it "may be empty which implies that unscoped tokens are required, or
> a scope value" does not cause any compliance issues.  However, a few
> paragraphs down, we furthermore say that "[i]f the resource server
> provides no scope to the client then the client SHOULD presume an empty
> scope (unscoped token) is required to access the resource."  The phrase
> "empty scope" here is concerning, and seems to suggest sending scope="",
> which is disallowed by RFC 6749.
> The simple fix would be to just replace "empty scope (unscoped token)"
> with "unscoped token".
> However, it is a bit aesthetically unpleasing to have our new JSON
> structure diverge from the existing ABNF guidelines; we may wish to just
> utilize the optionality of the scope field in the server's response to
> failed authentication, and remove the mention of an empty value for that
> field.  This proposal is a change to the wire protocol, and so we would
> need consensus from the working group to move forward with it -- in
> particular, we would like to know if there are existing implementations
> which would be affected by this change.
> Please comment about the proposal to remove the option of an empty scope
> in the server's response to failed authentication, both from the protocol
> change standpoint and from its effects on existing implementations.
> Thank you,
> Ben
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