Hi Roman and Torsten,

This is a reply to the mail sent today by Torsten on the OAuth mailing list where I modified the name of the thread to add  ": a societal choice".
I also send a blind copy to the SPICE BoF.

Lest us go away from nails and screws and take a higher view, e.g., using an air balloon.

The series of documents produced by the OAuth WG took its origin with the RO-AS relationships and of the AS-RS relationships.
At this time, unlinkability was not a concern.

Now the model is attempting to be extended to a different use case, but still using the same architecture which *by design* is unable to support the unlinkability property between verifiers. This is where a red line has been crossed.

A concern is that this architecture is currently considered by the EU in the context of the EUID wallet.

The ARF (Architecture Reference Framework) - Outline was stating on page 18:

   "The EUDI Wallet SHALL enable the user to share only the information
   they intend to share".
   Source: European Digital Identity Architecture and Reference
   Framework – Outline - 22 February 2022

In the ARF version 1.1.0 (20 April 2023) that sentence has been sneaked out.

In clause 1.4.  Objective(s) of the COM(2021) 281 final 2021/0136 (COD) Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 as regards establishing a framework for a European Digital Identity, the text states on page 45:

   A strengthened *privacy-by-design approach* could yield additional
   benefits since the wallet would not require intermediaries in the
   process of asserting the attributes,
   thus enabling the citizen to communicate directly with the service
   and credential providers. The increased data security of the wallet
   would prevent identity theft,
   thus preventing financial loss to European citizens and businesses.

A *privacy-by-design approach* means that privacy shall considered at the time of the design (I would even say *before* the design) and not *after* the design.

A system that does not follow a privacy-by-design approach is very unlikely able to be able to accommodate afterwards privacy considerations.
A "privacy-after-design" approach usually does not work.

A press release from June, 3, 2021 was making a citation of some statements from Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age.
See: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_2663

   "So that we will decide how much information we wish to share about
   ourselves, with whom and for what purpose".

Unfortunately, if the following documents are transformed into RFC s by the IETF and adopted by the EU:

 * draft-ietf-oauth-attestation-based-client-auth
 * draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc
 * draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list

this statement will not be true any more.

It is important to remember that eIDAS 1.0 was originally only targeted for the public sector within Europe. eIDAS 2.0 is now targeted for both the public and the private sector. While a linkability property was acceptable for the public sector,
is it also acceptable for the private sector ?

Using ARF v1.1.0, every EU citizen will be traceable by *any Resource Server around the world*.

Is it advertised in the ARF v1.1.0 document ? Everybody already knows the answer ... which is negative. The ARF v1.1.0 document only contains a single occurrence of the word "privacy" !

The draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list is yet-another-draft that does not allow to support the Unlinkability property between verifiers. It is however possible to address the concern of revocation or suspension of a Credential using an architecture rather different
from the one developed in the OAuth WG.

Should EU citizens only have the following two choices:

   1) use a solution that allows any Resource Server around the world
   to be able to link their users, or
   2) don't use that solution at all, if they don't want Resource
   Servers around the world to be able to link their users.

Of course, for making a wise choice, end-users should be informed about the problem and, at this time, they aren't.

Torsten wrote: "while working with the eIDAS expert group". It would be worthwhile if Torsten would be able to inform
the eIDAS expert group about this issue and report its feedback.

It is possible to develop a solution that prevents any Resource Server around the world to be able to link their users. In case, the linkability property between verifiers is desirable for some usages, it will be easy to add a claim that allows to support
the linkability property, while the reverse is untrue.

A third choice should be offered:

   3) use a solution that prevents any Resource Server around the world
   to link their users, if the user wishes so.

This is not simply a technical choice but a *societal choice*.

Should the IETF contribute to a single solution that, by design, is unable to support the Unlinkability property between verifiers and is not extensible to support the Unlinkability property between verifiers ?

Should two different and incompatible models be developed by the IETF ?


PS. "The Commission is already investing €46 million from the Digital Europe Programme in four large-scale pilots, to test the EU Digital Identity Wallet in a range of everyday use-cases, including the Mobile Driving Licence, eHealth, payments, and education and professional qualifications". Press release. 29 June 2023. Source: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3556

Hi Roman,

I’m writing this post on behalf of the group of co-authors who proposed the following drafts for adoption by the OAuth WG:


We have brought these drafts to the IETF because they are built on IETF drafts/standards and enhance them. Those drafts are interrelated and part of a bigger effort to provide initiatives around the globe for building ecosystems based on the Issuer/Holder/Verifier model, especially focussing on EU’s eIDAS, with interoperable technical standards.

The work is based on two pillars, Selective Disclosure JWT (SD-JWT) and OpenID for Verifiable Credentials (OID4VC). The latter is a credential format agnostic family of protocols for issuing and presenting verifiable credentials and authenticating users based on keys in the wallet. These specifications are being standardized at the OpenID Foundation; they are already referenced by the eIDAS Architecture and Reference Framework.

SD-JWT and OID4VC are combined in a specification designated as “OpenID for Verifiable Credentials High Assurance Interoperability Profile with SD-JWT VC” (HAIP). HAIP instantiates OID4VC with the credential format SD-JWT VC to allow implementers to build truly interoperable systems. This is the contribution we intend to make to eIDAS.

While working on HAIP we identified missing pieces in the overall picture, most notably a way to use well-established JWT content rules and its extensibility model as basis for representing Verifiable Credentials with JSON payload. That’s why we drafted draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.

We also noticed Verifiable Credentials are typically long living credentials and thus need a way for its issuer to influence its status. That’s why we drafted draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list and incorporated it into draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.

In addition, we learned while working with the eIDAS expert group and others that wallet to issuer authentication needs to fulfill very special requirements. That’s why we drafted draft-ietf-oauth-attestation-based-client-auth as a new client authentication method.

To sum up, draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc and draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list extend the work being done around SD-JWT so we feel the OAuth WG is the best place to evolved them. However, we are open to discuss to carve out the work around credential formats and supporting mechanisms into a new working group.

draft-ietf-oauth-attestation-based-client-auth is an OAuth extension, so we believe it belongs to the OAuth WG.

** What's the body of work around SD/JWT/VC that should be done and how much work will that be? What needs to be done first?

draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc and draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list are fundamental building blocks on the level of credential formats for building applications according to the Issuer/Holder/Verifier model. A lot of initiatives around the globe are looking for technical standards for this kind of application now. (For example, the eIDAS expert group hopes to finalize its Architectural Reference Framework (ARF) this year.) So there is a window of opportunity for IETF and this group to make an impact with solid, secure and usable technical standards.

We don’t plan further contributions in this space to the WG beyond the proposed drafts.

** What unknown about the direction and needed tasks?

I hope I could shed some light on our plans.

** For whatever that work might be, how should the OAuth charter evolve to support the work?

We suggest extending the charter to cover work on credential formats and related mechanisms based on JWTs. As already mentioned above, we are also open to moving this work into a new dedicated working group once such a working group is operational. That working group might be established as a result of the SPICE effort.  It would be good to coordinate closely with those developing CBOR-based credentials to keep that work and ours architecturally aligned. We, however, see the need to keep working on the drafts to meet the expectations of current and prospect implementers.

** Is there work to be done around bridging the architectural narrative used in the core OAuth framework/RFC6749 (AS, RS, RO) and three part model (issuer, holder, verifier) used in draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt?

We suggest clearly distinguishing protocol aspects from data format aspects. draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt as part of the credential format aspect has dependencies on JWT but no dependencies on RFC 6749.

There is work to be done to cater for protocols sitting on top of OAuth for supporting the issuer/holder/verifier model. OpenID4VC is built on top of OAuth and we have come up with some observations around that. For example, clients (either verifiers or wallets acting as clients towards issuers) are typically not managed by the AS. Either there is a 3rd party that the AS relies on for that purpose, or the client starts interacting without any pre-established relationship. Also, in a wallet world, we see the need to allow an app on the phone to securely authenticate towards an AS, which requires key bound assertions. draft-ietf-oauth-attestation-based-client-auth is our proposal to cope with those issues.

best regards,
Am 8. Sept. 2023, 21:07 +0200 schrieb Roman Danyliw <r...@cert.org>:

We've observed growing energy around JWT, selective disclosure and VC related topics in the WG in recent meetings. We spent almost all of the third OAuth meeting at IETF 117 on related topics. The initial SD-JWT (draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt) has been followed up with SD-JWT-VC (draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc). There is also work like draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list being proposed.

As promised at IETF 117, we would like to start a conversation about the direction the WG would like to take at a strategic level rather than continuing to deal this topic in one document increments of additional scope.

** What's the body of work around SD/JWT/VC that should be done and how much work will that be? What needs to be done first? What unknown about the direction and needed tasks?

** For whatever that work might be, how should the OAuth charter evolve to support the work?

** Is there work to be done around bridging the architectural narrative used in the core OAuth framework/RFC6749 (AS, RS, RO) and three part model (issuer, holder, verifier) used in draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt?

Roman, Hannes, and Rifaat
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