As promised in Montreal, I have started to pull together use cases that fit 
XYZ’s model better than they fit traditional OAuth. While I’ve been able to 
work out how XYZ works for the most common OAuth deployments and extensions, I 
think the real interest is in the new spaces where OAuth doesn’t work out as 
well. The list here is far from comprehensive, of course, and I’d like to keep 
building this out. I plan on putting things into a more formal structure and 
getting them onto the website in the near future alongside 
any others that I gather.

Ephemeral Clients. The OAuth model puts the notion of a “client” application 
front and center, and this makes sense from OAuth’s roots as a way to connect 
two web servers together. We’ve seen that this breaks down in different ways 
when we have SPA’s, mobile app instances, etc. Dynamic Registration helps, but 
with truly ephemeral clients you end up with having a lot of orphaned 
applications registered into the AS. In the last few years, OAuth has been 
trending away from pre-registration of all trust material into enabling more 
runtime keys and secrets. Extensions like PKCE, DPoP, OAuth-MTLS, and Token 
Binding are all based on this notion. In XYZ, the “transaction” is the core 
component of the model, and everything hangs off from that. As such, a client 
application that identifies itself to a new AS, gets a token, then disappears 
with its tokens is a reasonable model that leaves no trace behind.

Distributed RS’s. In highly distributed spaces with common APIs, such as a 
distributed social network, the RS’s all need to recognize not only the token 
but also who the token represents. OAuth has some pieces that let you tie 
something like this together, such as a JWT with key discovery based on the 
issuer of the token, but this doesn’t lend itself to use with ephemeral clients 
and bound tokens where the RS would need a way to figure out how to get to the 
keys. This kind of thinking extends to APIs deployed as micro services behind 
gateways, or lambda functions on an elastic cloud. What serves an “API” 
endpoint isn’t what it used to be, and I think we’ve got a better starting 
place with XYZ to make the lives of RS developers easier by having clearer 
mechanisms to bind tokens to both the rights they represent and the 
presentation mechanisms they need.

Bound Access Tokens. Everything is bearer tokens in OAuth2. Yes, we’re getting 
better about this with DPoP and OAuth-MTLS, and I support this work extending 
OAuth 2. But that’s far from complete or widely used. And what’s really weird, 
when you look at these, is that we’re not even using some of the half-baked 
extension points that we :do: have in OAuth 2, such as token types. We really 
shouldn’t be calling things “Bearer” tokens anymore when they require you to do 
other things on top of presenting the token, like using MTLS with a specific 
cert. Plus we’ve got a lot of conflation between people who want to pack keys 
into the tokens themselves vs. having the keys referenced by the token, which 
leads to confusion around what things like RFC7800 actually provide and define. 
XYZ gives us an opportunity to have a much clearer model for what an access 
token is, and how it gets bound to a key and presentation mechanism of various 
types. Bearer tokens still work here, too, but they become one among many 
citizens, like we always intended OAuth2 to have.

Multiple Parties. OAuth assumes that the Resource Owner is the person operating 
the client application. UMA extends this to allowing the Requesting Party to be 
the one using the client, but it generally doesn’t collapse cleanly into the 
cases where the RO :is: the party using the client since the claims gathering 
endpoint and the authorization endpoint aren’t quite the same in concept. UMA’s 
also arguably pretty complex, but I think it :had: to be in order to fit into 
the OAuth2 world. And then we have extensions in the identity space like CIBA 
which have multiple channels of interaction with potentially multiple users. 
We’ve also got the Device Flow which allows multiple channels connected by a 
real-world artifact (the user code), and I know of at least one deployment 
where the interactive page where the code is entered is under the control of 
someone other than the resource owner, since it’s a transitive trust model at 
play. This is an off-label use, which XYZ can make much more explicitly 
built-in. By separating the notion of the nature of the software from the 
nature of the user’s interaction, we can address a wider array of multi-party 
configurations without OAuth’s same core assumptions. Nat’s already talked 
about this kind of thing here on the list, and I think flexibility around who 
does what is going to be a key difference.

Known User. When the client knows something about the user, it should be able 
to express that to the AS as part of the transaction request. OAuth doesn’t 
have any place for this to happen, since most interactive flows start from the 
front channel. The one core flow that does allow this is the resource-owner 
password grant, which of course exposes the client software to a user’s 
memorized shared secret (their password). It can’t be used with any kind of 
challenge-response or assertion-based system. We don’t have any way to pass 
assertions or claims about the user, unless we wanted to use the token exchange 
grant — and I would argue that this is abusing the definition of “token” in 
this space and getting us into WS-* territory. One stop gap that I know of in 
the wild is to use token exchange to present a user-token to the AS, and then 
branch behavior: if the exchange works, use the resulting token. If the 
exchange fails (due to the user needing to interact or the trust not being high 
enough for the request), then you bail out of the exchange grant and into one 
of the interactive grants instead to get the user to the front channel. Since 
you start in the back channel in XYZ, the client can send along any information 
that it has about the user right from the start, and the AS can determine what 
else it needs to do. This could include interacting with the user directly, or 
even building up a challenge-response for a user’s credential to be presented 
via the client and returned through a transaction continue message. On top of 
this, since we’re doing JSON in the back channel, we’ve got a lot more 
expressiveness for the data we’re sending back and forth beyond form-encoded 

Non-authorization Interaction. This is one that Annabelle brought up in 
Montreal, and I’ll admit that it’s a bit further out than the others because 
it’s not even an authorization case. In this, an application tries to do 
something at an API but finds out that the user needs to interact with the 
service. This might be to consent, like in OAuth, but it also might be to enter 
an updated credit card. Basically, a backend system needs to say “Oh I thought 
things were fine but I need to talk to someone with a webpage right now”, much 
like the token-exchange-failure model in the last paragraph. This fits XYZ’s 
model of pinging the AS to try and do something, but having the AS optionally 
come back and say “hey get the user to this webpage, I need to talk to them”, 
with the main difference that it’s not inside a transaction request, per se. I 
think there’s something interesting happening here though that we should 

Key Distribution. This is another one that lands us outside of what OAuth is 
used for, but not that far from its intent. If we have bound access tokens, 
that means the tokens themselves are bound to keys. Well, those keys could also 
be used in other non-access-token-based presentation mechanisms and protocols. 
Maybe the client needs to sign an assertion about itself, or a document, or a 
SET for audit purposes. In all of these cases, I think it can be argued that 
the access token represents here what the key can be used for, which might be 
in addition to its presentation at an API itself. I’ve been involved with 
plenty of systems that boil down to a key exchange or distribution problem, and 
when the trust is user-driven, it’s not that different from what we’re doing 
with tokens in XYZ.

Structured Resources. Or in other words, “structured scopes” like Torsten is 
proposing. Again, I support this work for extending OAuth, but it’s got a lot 
of hurdles to overcome. For one, encoding the structures as form parameters is 
awkward, at best. Second, the combination of “plain” scopes with structured 
scopes would need to be carefully defined, since a “plain” scope can represent 
so many different aspects of the request. And finally, what goes into the 
structure is going to be a big issue of possible contention since not only are 
all APIs very different, so far APIs have used “scope” in very different ways. 
With XYZ, resource requests have a much more well-defined setup: they exist as 
objects describing the request, they’re combined with “AND” semantics, and they 
can be represented by strings that decode explicitly to the representational 

I’d like to hear from others about what other use cases you’ve run into at the 
edges of OAuth (or related space) that don’t quite fit.

I have reached out to the chairs and the AD to help determine next steps for 
XYZ within the IETF. I hope to be able to attend the Singapore meeting and 
continue the conversation in person there as well.

— Justin

OAuth mailing list

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