Caros amigos(as) da OBM,

Infelizmente, Lovasz está cancelando a visita ao Rio, e a palestra no Colóquio 
claro, por motivos de saúde.
Obrigado pela sua colaboração.


Secretaria da OBM

Divulgacao de Palestra (Colóquio Interdisciplinar):

Titulo  : Approximating graphs by graphs and functions
Autor   : Laszlo Lovasz
Data    : 5/10/2009
Horario : 15:30
Local   : Auditorio 1
Abstract: In many areas of science huge networks (graphs) are central
objects of study: the internet, the brain, various social networks,
VLSI, statistical physics. To study these graphs, new paradigms are
needed: What are meaningful questions to ask? When are two huge graphs
\'similar\'? How to \'scale down\' these graphs without changing their
fundamental structure and algorithmic properties? How to generate
random examples with the desired properties? A reasonably complete
answer can be given in the case when the huge graphs are dense; in the
more difficult case of sparse graphs there are only partial results.

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