[obrolan-bandar] Good News... the fed funds rate will remain unchanged at 2%

2008-06-24 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
The Conference Board's confidence index fell to 50.4, the lowest level since February 1992, from a revised 58.1 in May. Consumers were the most pessimistic about the future in the 41- year history of the index. A separate report today showed home prices in April dropped the most since at least

Re: [obrolan-bandar] CNNMoney.com: Rumah lagi, rumah lagi

2008-06-24 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
kalo begitu the fed akan berpikir dua kali sebelum memutuskan menaikkan suku bunga. :) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--  # Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good

Re: Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] Hot News: Saudi pumping extra oil to meet demand: Saudi source

2008-06-22 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com Date: Sunday, June 22, 2008, 4:03 PM baca disini deh.. http://www.cnbc. com/id/25298153 Di naikkan nya tahun depan kok... efek short term nya mungkin kecil sekali ke equities.. karena produksi oil saudi dinaikkan nya tahun 2009 bukan 2008 ini.. Pusat

[obrolan-bandar] At Saudi summit, some urge crackdown on speculators

2008-06-22 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
At Saudi summit, some urge crackdown on speculators Published: MarketWatch - Sunday June 22, 2008 http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/saudi-summit-some-urge-crackdown/story.aspx?guid=%7B5DB12B01%2DC94B%2D4BEB%2D8735%2D5B5DF6B03632%7D SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Some attendees of this

[obrolan-bandar] Democrats offer another bill to curb oil speculation

2008-06-22 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Democrats offer another bill to curb oil speculation Published: CNNMoney.com - Sunday June 22, 9:45 am ET http://biz.yahoo.com/cnnm/080622/062008_speculation_legislation.html?.v=4 Speculation, a dirty word across America as Wall Street traders take the blame for record oil and gasoline

[obrolan-bandar] Taiwan to let brokerages invest in China

2008-06-21 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
  Taiwan to let brokerages invest in China Published: Saturday, June 21, 2008 http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/%20business/2008/06/21/161961/Taiwan-to.htm TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwan's incoming top financial regulator said yesterday he aims to allow local brokerages to invest in their

[obrolan-bandar] Hot News: Saudi pumping extra oil to meet demand: Saudi source

2008-06-21 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Saudi pumping extra oil to meet demand: Saudi source Published: Reuter - Saturday June 21, 2008 http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/080621/jeddah_oil.html?.v=6 JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Top world oil exporter Saudi Arabia has decided to increase oil supply to meet demand from customers, a Saudi

Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few years

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
saya rasa, kecil kemungkinan ke $5000, seandainya pun ke angka tersebut akan sangat mudah meledak dan pullback down. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--  # Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit from folly rather than participate in it. A good

[obrolan-bandar] Bear Stearns to pay preferred stock dividend on July 15 2008

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Bear Stearns to pay preferred stock dividend on July 15 2008 Published: June 20, 2008 http://www.marketwatch.com/News/Story/Story.aspx?guid=%7bBE814789-ED00-4BED-8915-022FCDE49CA0%7dsiteid=yhoof2 SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- JPMorgan Chase Co. and its subsidiary Bear Stearns Cos. on

[obrolan-bandar] Tips to Succeed in Stock Market

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Tips to Succeed in Stock Market Legendary Investor Warren Buffett once advised, Be greedy when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. Thanks to a fear-filled summer, many top notch stocks are still trading well below their potential, giving savvy investors the opportunity to

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG

2008-06-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
sarijaya pusat ? atw cabang mana neh... # Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit from folly rather than participate in it. quot;A good momentum is a good opportunityquot;. # We simply attempt to be

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow menjelang rapat fed

2008-06-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
With the U.S. economy still slowing, the Fed cannot raise rates this year         -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--  # Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good opportunity. # We

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: KENAPA KOK INDEKS GAK MAU NAIK

2008-06-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
market masih mau melihat apa keputusan Om.Bernanke nanti   moga2 aja baik...   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--  # Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good opportunity. # We simply

[obrolan-bandar] Top News: Paulson to push for oversight reforms - reports

2008-06-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Top News: Paulson to push for oversight reforms - reports Reuters - Published: June 19, 2008 http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsNews/idUSN1928844120080619 WASHINGTON, June 18 (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is expected to urge that the Federal Reserve be given new

[obrolan-bandar] Oil Falls a Third Day on Signs Demand to Drop, Field May Start

2008-06-17 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Oil Falls a Third Day on Signs Demand to Drop, Field May Start Tuesday, June 17 2008 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601110sid=aQQknawzHNi0 June 17 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil fell for a third day on signs that slower economic growth will curb fuel consumption, production at an

[obrolan-bandar] Korea Seeks Investor-Friendly Financial Regulatory System

2008-06-17 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Korea Seeks Investor-Friendly Financial Regulatory System KoreaTimes - Wednesday, June 17 2008 http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2008/06/123_26054.html Deputy Governor of Financial Supervisory Service It is interesting to note that in today's marketplace, analysis of companies

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Bisakah Bernanke berpikir terbalik?

2008-06-16 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
bernanke bertindak serba salah, kalo interest rate dinaikkan yang akan mati adalah perbankan sendiri, nah sedangkan si bernanke itu pro bank. kelihatanya dia lebih menyukai cut rates dibandingkan raise rate. dalam pikirannya : inflation is number two. bagaimana pun juga, kalo interest-rate

[obrolan-bandar] Bill Jamieson says: An Oil Bubble Ready To Burst

2008-06-16 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Bill Jamieson says: An oil bubble ready to burst Published Date: 17 June 2008 By Bill Jamieson Bill Jamieson looks at whether the end is near for soaring prices. FOR the past 18 months economies worldwide have been at the mercy of the biggest ever commodity price boom. The benchmark CRB

[obrolan-bandar] Credit Suisse China Investment Bank Venture Approved

2008-06-15 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
  Credit Suisse China Investment Bank Venture Approved Saturday, June 14 2008 (Bloomberg) -- Credit Suisse Group said China's securities regulator approved its investment-banking venture, letting the second-biggest Swiss bank participate in the domestic stock underwriting market that topped

[obrolan-bandar] Saudi Arabia May Announce Oil Production Increase June 22, Official Says

2008-06-15 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Saudi Arabia May Announce Oil Production Increase June 22, Official Says Sunday, June 15 2008 (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabia may announce an oil output increase at a meeting it will host in Jeddah on June 22 for oil producers and consumers because customers are asking for more crude, an OPEC

[obrolan-bandar] China Stocks Cheaper Than U.S. Shares for First Time Since 2006

2008-06-14 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
China Stocks Cheaper Than U.S. Shares for First Time Since 2006 June 13, 2008 (Bloomberg) -- Chinese stocks became cheaper than U.S. shares for the first time in more than two years relative to earnings after the country's central bank told lenders to set aside a record amount of money in

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Mendingan Crash dechh....

2008-06-11 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
benar pada asik nonton bola. makanya indeks crash dulu. hihi.. ngomong2, even sebesar piala eropa, koq euro melemah thd dollar ya any comment ?? --- On Wed, 6/11/08, James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mendingan Crash

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Cina panik sesaat???

2008-06-10 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
ohya...dengar 100 bps ya. cukup besar, di luar perkiraan pasar. tetapi market china memang agak hancur2an beberapa minggu ini, kalo crash ... tidak tanggung2, bisa diatas 3% per hari wow. hari ini saja turun 7.7%. paling besar di market asia. Btw, tampaknya DOW Jon malam ini akan turun

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Hati2 senin Besok !

2008-06-08 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
dengar2 sih, downtrend masih belum berakhir, menjelang pemilu AS, kondisi politik - ekonomi masih labil. Apalagi ada issue, bahwa, para konglomerat AS kurang menyukai Obama menjadi presiden AS, mungkin berkaitan dengan isue SARA. atau apalah saya kurang tahu pasti. Bagi yang trading margin,


2008-06-08 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
world news: bom kembali meledak di Algerian. berita buruk bagi crude oilnbsp; nbsp;oohnbsp;tidak. nbsp; nbsp; 'Twelve die' in Algerian blasts Last updated at 01:04 GMT, Monday, 9 June 2008 02:04 UK At least 12 people have been killed by two explosions at a train station east of the Algerian

[obrolan-bandar] Analysts Lose 17% for Investors in Brokerage

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Analysts Lose 17% for Investors in Brokerage June 6, 2008 (Bloomberg) -- Investors who followed the advice of analysts who say when to buy and sell shares of brokerage firms and banks lost 17 percent in the past year, twice the decline of the Standard Poor's 500 Index. Buying shares on

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Mau tidak crash once more?

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
iya donk... kasih tau siapa tau aja bener. he..he dapet dari MAMA LAUREN ya ? --- On Fri, 6/6/08, Ally McProfit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From: Ally McProfit [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Mau tidak crash once more? To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com Date: Friday,

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Mau tidak crash once more?

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
saya juga dengar kabar dari forum channel news asia. belum tahu pasti info itu betul apa tdk. Kalau ada panic selling, biasanya hedge fund manager sudah dapat bocoran. Apakah ada da tanggapan dari para hedge fund manager besar/asing yg tergabung di forum ini ? --- On Fri, 6/6/08,

[obrolan-bandar] Unwelcome News Sends Stocks in a free fall

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Unwelcome News Sends Stocks in a free fall. June 06, 2008 Stocks in New York were in a free fall early Friday as traders were unnerved by another drop in monthly nonfarm payrolls, a big jump in the U.S. unemployment rate and another surge in crude-oil prices. The mood worsened after the

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Mau tidak crash once more? short sell now

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
yes.. ini yang aku tunggu2. sempat tegang tadi, soalnya aku tahan sell indeks Nikkei [jumat 06/06/2008]. mudah2an indeks nikkei senin turun -300 poin. --- On Fri, 6/6/08, Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From: Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mau tidak crash once more?


2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
nbsp; The dollar's weakness Friday, led by a big jump in the US jobless rate, is being further aggravated by higher oil prices. And some analysts say pressure on oil is coming in part from Israel warning that it would be willing to attack Iran if the latter pursues nuclear-weapons capabilities.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Saya punya pertanyaan...

2008-05-24 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
sangatsangatsangat berpengaruh bagi bursa saham Apalagi jika bencana alam, serangan teroris, maupun sosial [kerusuhan] terjadi di negara2 yang memiliki kapitalisasi besar seperti AS. Kita bisa membuka chart history, misalnya serangan teroris September 2001, dalam dua hari dow jon

[obrolan-bandar] Re: TIME TO SELL AND EMPTY YOUR PORTO???

2008-05-24 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
namun kondisi tahun 2005 tidak sama dengan kondisi sekarang. dimana pada tahun 2005, ekonomi global masih stabil. dan kenaikan BBM hanya berefek pada bursa lokal. sedikit juga di asia. Namun sekarang, market diseluruh dunia sedang kacau. Apalagi Amerika yang merupakan kiblat bursa dunia. Jumat

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Toxic Derivatives

2008-05-24 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
sejak dahulu kala, memang seperti itu. yang punya dana besar, bisa mempermainkan harga dunia. misalnya spekulator besar seperti Mr.George Soros, dia hanya salah satu dari market maker dunia masih banyak lagi kelompok2 spekulator lainnya. .. Ada juga uang2 negara yang sengaja diparkir

[obrolan-bandar] Gold Price Above $900, Oil Sets Record Near $128

2008-05-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Gold Price Above $900, Oil Sets Record Near $128 May 16, 2008 -- Gold prices have hit $905 an ounce on the New York exchange market, rising from $882 late last week. Rapidly rising oil prices, which reached $128 a barrel, have sparked a buying spree. Silver has also risen in price, reaching

Re: [obrolan-bandar] 1000+ points rally is about to come... but not soon..

2008-05-14 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
he.he buy on dips ya !! bisa saja ke 2000 ... [beli lagi]. Inflation numbers are going to stay high for a while and there's no sign of relief on that front, and that's going to make life very difficult for the most people [around the world] --- On Wed, 5/14/08, tumis kangkung [EMAIL

[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia c.bank Raises Key Rate; Says May `Adjust' Further

2008-05-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Indonesia c.bank Raises Key Rate; Says May `Adjust' Further May 6 -- Indonesia's central bank unexpectedly raised interest rates for the first time in more than two years to tame inflation and said it will consider further increases. Bank Indonesia raised the benchmark rate used as a

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DJ mulai MERAH

2008-05-03 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
High 13,132.46 Low 12,981.83 Stocks up sharply in morning trading before pulling back in the afternoon, but ended the day in positive territory. Dow Jones industrial average up 0.4 percent for the day, to close at 13,058.40. --- icchanks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: wah...watch out 4

[obrolan-bandar] Hot News Microsoft Withdraws Yahoo Offer After Sweetened Bid Is Rejected

2008-05-03 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Microsoft Abandons Yahoo Takeover After Price Fight SAN FRANCISCO - Microsoft Corp withdrew its offer for Yahoo Inc on Saturday after negotiations fell through because Yahoo wanted more than the $33 a share that Microsoft was willing to offer. Microsoft Corp. has withdrawn its $42.3 billion

[obrolan-bandar] Oil rebounds nearly $4 a barrel to 116.32

2008-05-03 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Oil rebounds nearly $4 a barrel to 116.32 May 3, 2008 Crude oil rose nearly $4 a barrel in New York, the most in month, after a report showed the U.S. lost fewer jobs than forecast in April and as Turkey renewed its military offensive against Kurdish rebels in an oil-rich section of Iraq.

[obrolan-bandar] Stocks Settle Lower After Fed Meeting

2008-05-01 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Stocks Settle Lower After Fed Meeting Wall Street's data-inspired rally faded into the close Wednesday, and the major indices finished slightly lower after traders and analysts found themselves struggling to discern the Federal Reserve's intentions on the future direction of interest rates.

[obrolan-bandar] Soros sees additional market declines after temporary reprieve in stock market

2008-05-01 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Soros sees additional market declines after temporary reprieve in stock market. May 1 - Billionaire George Soros called the current financial crisis the worst since the Great Depression and said markets will fall more this year after a brief rebound. Soros reported that they had a good bottom,

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Tancap Gas

2008-05-01 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Don't be fooled by a larger-than-expected increase in consumer spending. People aren't buying more -- they're just paying more for what they buy. That is raising doubts about whether the 130 million stimulus payments the government began sending out this week will be enough to lift consumers'

[obrolan-bandar] Stock Rebound May Be Premature

2008-04-30 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Stock Rebound May Be Premature A recent euphoric rebound in stocks and non-government bonds may be premature as deeper home price declines threaten the economy and financial markets, the manager of the world's biggest bond fund said. Bill Gross, chief investment officer of Pacific Investment

[obrolan-bandar] Fed Cuts Key Rate 25 BPs to 2% ; Pause Now Likely

2008-04-30 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
The U.S. Federal Reserve on Wednesday lowered its key interest rate but also signaled the seven-month easing cycle may be coming to an end by referring to substantial action to date and dropping a reference to downside growth risks. The cut, the seventh since September, was modest by recent

[obrolan-bandar] Oil Prices May Climb to $150 a Barrel, Boone Pickens Says

2008-04-29 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Oil may rise to $125 to $150 a barrel later this year, Boone Pickens, a billionaire energy investor, said today ``The second half of the year I think you'll be back up substantially above where you are now,'' Pickens said in an interview with Bloomberg's Rhonda Schaffler. Crude oil for June

[obrolan-bandar] World Bank President James Wolfensohn 'Pessimistic' as Financial Losses Rise

2008-04-28 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
World Bank President James Wolfensohn 'Pessimistic' as Financial Losses Rise Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn said he's ``pessimistic'' on the outlook for financial markets and predicted losses from the global credit turmoil may climb to $1 trillion. ``I'm more pessimistic than

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Need advice: Saham BC vs. Reksadana

2008-04-27 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
saat ini masih ada peluang untuk membeli reksadana, mumpung lagi diskon. for long term. hehe... --- Brandon Alvaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sebenarnya yang cocok buat kasih rekomendasi itu MBAH sebagai inspirator kami ber-main sebagai Long Term Investor di BEI, Saya hanya

[obrolan-bandar] Oil Rises to Record on U.K. Pipeline Shutdown, Nigeria Attack

2008-04-27 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Oil Rises to Record on U.K. Pipeline Shutdown, Nigeria Attack April 28 -- Crude oil rose to a record after BP Plc shut a North Sea pipeline and gunmen attacked a police station in Bonny Island, the site of one of Nigeria's largest oil and gas export terminals. BP closed the Forties Pipeline

[obrolan-bandar] Hong Kong's Exchange Fund had a loss HK$14.6 billion in 1Q

2008-04-27 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Hong Kong's Exchange Fund had a loss HK$14.6 billion in the first quarter, its first quarterly loss since 2005, Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Joseph Yam said Monday. Of the fund's loss in the first quarter, about HK$30.0 billion was made in the domestic stock market, because

[obrolan-bandar] Fed likely to cut U.S. interest rates only 0.25%

2008-04-25 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Futures traders and a growing number of economists are now expecting just a quarter-point cut to interest rates when Federal Reserve policymakers meet next week, with forecasters saying improved sentiment in financial markets has relieved pressure for a more aggressive easing. Barclays Capital

[obrolan-bandar] Bank of America Net Income Falls 77% on Writedowns

2008-04-21 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Drop in earnings far sharper than forecasts, although No. 2 bank stays in black despite writedowns NEW YORK -- Bank of America Corp. reported quarterly results Monday that were much worse than originally feared, as profits plunged 77%, but the company still managed to stay in the black.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] If you want to realize your profit, today'd be the day..

2008-04-21 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
untuk near term, sepertinya pasar saham masih sangat bergejolak. paling tidak bulan mei, laporan inflasi pasti sangat buruk (menurut saya) sebab efek kenaikan harga minyak dunia baru terjadi di bulan mei untuk april ini. --- macd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Paling tidak ada yg mengingatkan kita

[obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG kehilangan tenaga

2008-04-17 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
saham2 di hong kong naik, karena para investor disana, sifatnya agresif. Berbeda kalo di indonesia, banyak an investor asing yang justru lebih dominan menggerakkan bursa IHSG. Apalagi ditambah event seperti olimpiade di beijing. ikut mempengaruhi juga pasar di hong kong ~G4Y4~ [EMAIL

[obrolan-bandar] China central bank raises bank reserve 0.5 pct

2008-04-16 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
China central bank raises bank reserve requirement ratio by 0.5 pct pt 2008-4-16 05:33:00 p.m. HKT BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - China's central bank said it is raising banks' reserve requirement ratio by half a percentage point from April 25. It said the move was in line with its tight