Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: TA will take control TODAY

2008-01-29 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Luar biasa Kang Ocoy memang pakar valuasi... I can really learn a lot from you.. Valuasi kang ocoy juga yang saya pakai (secara asal) untuk memilih antm over bumi seminggu yang lalu. Tapi memang kalo bozz2 kaya om AB dah turun tangan valuasi bisa di putar balik, n saya ga mau melawan pasar deh,

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Fut n Eropa JEBLOS - false rebound?

2008-01-23 Terurut Topik james rajasa
8.51 pm Index Futures ngeri range dah -2 sampe -4%an Eropa ga mo kalah, FTSE dah -3.68% I hope mbah is right, i.e. yesterday's low is this months low. Tapi di tengah ketidakpastian n keraguan pasar akan ketahanan ekonomi AS, saya dah buang semua tadi

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Ilmu THAIPAK.....Re: Analisa DE: Belanja APA dan KAPAN

2008-01-23 Terurut Topik james rajasa
HUahahahaha, Saya mo blajar deh asal bisa tau kapan next crash.. JR 2008/1/24 Khongchakim [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Waduh…. Ilmu Mbah lebih hebat dech… Mbah bisa memprediksi jauh2 hari kedepan… Kalau ilmu saya ini cetek.. dan ga boleh pakai emosi… Kalau Mbah percaya sama ilmu THAIPAK… Coba

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: REBOUND

2008-01-22 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Mbah, You're the man :) 2008/1/22 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]: --- In, Cumi Goreng Tepung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Apakah MBAH = BOZZ ? Jawabannya YES BANGET, yaitu kuncen milis OB...hehehe... On 1/22/08, Rei

[obrolan-bandar] Dow 1st session Green!

2008-01-16 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Promissing High tide for JSX's first session, lucky for those buying at bottom price yesterday, I think jsx surfers could ride the morning tide but lets not forget to sell for second session could be deep red.. just a thought, JR

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Berapa persen IHSG turun besok?

2008-01-16 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Regional start Ijo, smalam Dow midday ijo tutup merah, hari ini BEI gap up n mungkin sore nyungsep hehe JR On 1/17/08, Dean Earwicker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ^IXIC Nasdaq Composite: -0.95%. Yang -2.3% itu ^NIN pak, NYSE International. Btw, TLK tutup -3.61% di NYSE Regards, DE On

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: -3% for today?

2008-01-15 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Now this I like! Though my last weeks profit is gone now, but I'm ready to welcome 2400 or better yet, 1600 On 1/16/08, oentoeng_qq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just for guidance... Hari ini adalah penurunan TERDALAM untuk minggu ini. Tapi jangan harap ada rebound yg SIGNIFIKAN dlm wkt

Re: [obrolan-bandar] welcome back Indonesia

2008-01-15 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Heheheh, If BEI suffers the largest, then be prepared for the largest rebound! On 1/16/08, exindo_trade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Setelah sekian lama kehilangan jati diri, akhirnya BEJ kembali pada kodratnya. Kalo minus, harus yg terbesar. Hidup BEJ!!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Blood of vengeance

2008-01-15 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Heheh totally agree Compared to the real BOZZ, she (he) is no more than office boy, just doing what (she) he is told to, distract ob members... On 1/16/08, James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: maksudnya disuruh jualan diri di milis kali pakai gambar2 yg nggak puguh ... biasa man like to

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Inilah pilihanku!

2008-01-13 Terurut Topik james rajasa
How bout short term kang? Say 3 months. I have faith in Agri sector, but the others have gone a lot, i.e, AALI and LSIP, so UNSP and/or TBLA should still be highly collectible? Howbout short term star for mining sector? On 1/11/08, kang_ocoy_maen_saham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: kalo mid-term

[obrolan-bandar] ENRG

2008-01-06 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Nobody pays attention to ENRG, 3 factors: 1. With oil price hike, big brother already rise, ENRG is yet to follow. 2. Its being consolidated. 3. Long Ascending triangle pattern. Conclusion? JR

Re: [obrolan-bandar] It's me again..

2008-01-01 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Old trick, Elaine comes with bad news, IHSG may go down but it will not be anything like nuke, new years firecrackers at best. ELAINE = Diversion, Watch major rebound from sleeping stocks like Antm Just a thought. JRA On 12/31/07, Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I don't have to prove

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Index Vs Jumlah Postingan

2007-12-17 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Shares trading is funny, the one guy sells and the other guy buys, and they both think they're smart.. On 12/17/07, Mas Anto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ha..haha kalau begitu gw mau nambah-nambahin postingan, meskipun OOT. Saya punya cerita (bukan orisinil, sdh saya modifikasi,

[obrolan-bandar] CS BK racing for BUMI

2007-11-06 Terurut Topik james rajasa
CS BK are racing to buy BUMI today so as not to miss oil hike. PTBA now well over double BUMI price, whereas BUMI was once 70% of PTBA price. With a fraction of 50 to 5000, every price movement is 1%, so the increase will be hefty. Just a thought,

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: TLKM : BUY / HOLD = BUY! (ON ELAINE, LCY, DE, and JSX)

2007-11-02 Terurut Topik james rajasa
of the BOZZ! Salute to you. Just a silly thought from a bandarmologist Wannabe. JR On 11/2/07, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --- In, james rajasa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: See KZ buying back TLKM today

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG+TLKM: Bedanya para Prof Trader dengan yg BIASA...

2007-10-30 Terurut Topik james rajasa
So Good to have a good god slash bozz. Discounted Tlkm, dont miss it. Toge2nya include WIKA and SULI, right mbah? On 10/31/07, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Regional UDAH mulai plus TLKM masih -700, IHSG rebound ke -31 Yang mau mempelajari ilmu bandarologi, ini yang

Re: [obrolan-bandar] POLY gimana yach ?

2007-10-29 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Poly will not go bankrupt, Legally speaking, as it is already in SOP (suspension of payment) state. MA is adventurer's effort. On 10/29/07, sbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Beli di 50 aja bisa dapat, hanya kalo Poly dipailitkan maka baru ambles lah jadi berdoalah agar Poly jangan sampe