Fidelity Says `All Things in Place' for Bull Market (Update1)
By Hanny Wan and Bernard Lo

April 30 (Bloomberg) -- Anthony Bolton, president of investments at Fidelity 
International, said a bull market in equities has already begun and financial 
shares are poised to drive recent gains higher.

Low valuations indicate advances that began in March are the start of a bull 
market, Bolton said. He favors financials, consumer cyclical, technology, and 
"value stocks," such as retailers, automakers and construction-related shares.

"All the things are in place for the bear market to have ended," Bolton said in 
an interview with Bloomberg Television in Hong Kong. "When there's a strong 
consensus, a very negative one, and cash positions are very high, as they are 
at the moment, I'd like to bet against that."

The MSCI World Index has dropped 3.2 percent this year, extending last year's 
42 percent slump, the worst annual performance since at least 1970. Shares 
plunged as a collapse in U.S. consumer spending and a freeze in credit markets 
sent the U.S., Europe and Japan into their first simultaneous recessions since 
World War II.

The declines dragged the gauge's price-to-book value, or the ratio of stock 
prices to company assets, to 1.5, down from 2.4 at the beginning of 2008.

Bolton, who is based in London, said that in September he started putting money 
into Fidelity's China-focused fund, which invests in Hong Kong-listed H shares 
of Chinese mainland companies, and into Japanese stocks.

Not Bear Rally

Investments in money market funds in the U.S. have reached a record and could 
fuel a bull market during the next two to three years, he said.

Bolton's view contradicts that of Nouriel Roubini, the New York University 
professor who predicted the financial crisis. Roubini said last week he was 
"still bearish" and that an economic recovery is going to take "longer than 

"Nearly all the broker research I read says `bear-market rally,' that's one of 
the other things that makes me think it's the beginning of a bull market, not a 
bear-market rally," Bolton said. "When everyone is extremely negative, I want 
to bet against that. If you wait for things to get better, you'll miss the 

Fidelity International managed about $157 billion as of January, according to 
Hong Kong-based spokeswoman Megan Aitken.

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