By Michael Patterson and Simon Kennedy

March 26 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks will fall and the government will
nationalize more banks as the economy contracts through the end of 2009,
said Nouriel 
the New York University professor who predicted last year’s economic crisis.

“The stock market is a bit ahead of the real macroeconomic and financial
news,” Roubini, a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business and the
chairman of consulting firm Roubini Global Economics, said in an interview
with Bloomberg Television in London today. “We’ll have some major banks
going belly up that will need to be taken over.”

The global <> equity
rebound in March that sent the Standard & Poor’s 500
Index<>to its best
monthly advance in 17 years is a “bear-market rally” and U.S.
Treasury yields will “remain relatively low” as investors flock to the
safest assets, Roubini said. Treasury Secretary Timothy
new plan to remove toxic debt from financial companies won’t be enough for
insolvent banks, he said.

Roubini’s outlook contrasts with predictions this week from Templeton Asset
Management Ltd.’s Mark
Traxis Partners LLC’s Barton
who said that equities are poised to rally as government efforts to revive
the economy and banking system begin to work. Investors are “way too
optimistic” about the prospects for a recovery in the economy and earnings,
Roubini said.

The S&P 500 surged 7.1 percent on March 23 after Geithner unveiled a plan to
finance as much as $1 trillion in purchases of illiquid real-estate assets,
using $75 billion to $100 billion of the Treasury’s remaining bank-rescue
funds. The government is conducting stress tests of banks to determine how
much more capital each will need.

Stress Tests

Roubini said the stress tests will reveal that some banks need to be taken
over and have their good and bad assets separated before being sold to the
private sector. He estimates loan and securities losses in the U.S. will
reach $3.6 trillion.

Critics of Geithner’s plan including Nobel laureate Paul
a professor at Princeton University, say the government should take over
banks loaded with devalued assets, remove their top management, and dispose
of the toxic securities. Sweden adopted the temporary nationalization
approach in the 1990s.

“Some banks are going to have to be nationalized,” said Roubini. “It’s going
to be bumpy ahead of us.”

Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S.
week called for new powers to take over and wind down failing
companies. They said the U.S. also needs stronger regulation to constrain
the risks taken by firms that could endanger the financial system.

‘Deflationary Forces’

With “deflationary forces” lingering for as long as three years, Roubini
said U.S. government bond yields will remain low and American house prices
will fall as much as 20 percent in the next 18 months. While the dollar will
initially benefit as investors seek a safe haven in the U.S., the currency
will ultimately drop as the country’s trade deficit shrinks, he said.

Mobius, who helps oversee about $20 billion of emerging- market assets as
executive chairman at San Mateo, California- based Templeton, said March 23
the next “bull-market” rally has begun. Biggs, the former chief global
strategist for Morgan Stanley who now runs New York-based hedge fund Traxis
Partners, predicted the same day the S&P 500 may jump between 30 percent and
50 percent.

The benchmark index for U.S. equities has surged 11 percent in March, poised
for its biggest monthly gain since 1991. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index of
equities in 23 developing nations is headed for the steepest monthly advance
on record after rising 20 percent in March.

To contact the reporters on this story: Michael
London at; Simon
Paris at
*Last Updated: March 26, 2009 06:41 EDT*

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