
Bears Are Dead Wrong: S&P Will Reach 1,300 by Year's End, Altucher SaysPosted 
Mar 29, 2010 10:51am EDT by  Heesun Wee in Investing, Recession
Related: ^dji, ^gspc, dia, spy, ^ixic, appl, tlt
the market continues its climb of 70 percent-plus off the lows, and the
gap widens between the housing and stock markets, the bears are
convinced of a downturn -- any day now. But our guest James Altucher,
managing partner of Formula Capital, disagrees. 
"The bears have been consistently wrong throughout this whole rally," Altucher 
tells Aaron in the accompanying
clip. "If you followed the bears' advice at the bottom you'd be dead
broke right now." For full disclosure, Altucher did not call the market
crash in 2008. "Better to be consistently bullish than consistently


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