This post originally posted at:


Volume Indicator Explained

The video provides a very brief introduction to trading
<>  volume.  It
shows how many shares have changed hands over a given period of time.  It is
used by traders to assess the strength of a move up or down.  Low volume may
also keep many traders out of a stock.

Volume Indicator <>  Explained

Intro to Volume Analysis

The speaker discusses the importance of trading
<>  volume and
talks about how to interpret volume.  He suggests that a large volume spike
preceeds a move which continues in the direction of the volume surge.

Intro to Volume <>  Analysis

Volume Versus Volume Spread Analysis

The speaker discusses the difference between a typical volume
<>  indicator
and the hawkeye volume spread analysis tool.  The hawkeye volume tool
measures which group of traders are actually in control of the price action
in the bar.  The speaker discusses how to use this proprietary trading

Volume Vs Volume Spread <>

The Secret to Analyzing Volume

The speaker discusses how he uses volume
<>  analysis to
help with trading the emini S&P futures.  He believes that volume is the
most under utilized indicator out there and he uses it as a confirming
indicator to help him identify high probability turning points and avoid
being whipsawed.

The Secret to Analyzing <>  Volume



Warmest Regards,




The Trend Trader



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