Bagus untuk banking sektor. 

Bank Indonesia sees room for further rate cuts after mth-on-mth April CPI drop

  JAKARTA (XFN-ASIA) - The month-on-month drop in April consumer price index 
(CPI) creates room for further interest rate cuts over the rest of the year, 
Bank Indonesia governor Burhanuddin Abdullah said.

 Central Bureau of Statistics announced yesterday that the CPI in April 
declined 0.16 pct from March although it rose 6.29 pct year-on-year.

 "The deflation shows that the possibility to achieve inflation target is 
increasing and there is room to adjust further the BI rate," Abdullah said.

 BI rate is the central bank's benchmark interest rate. Bank Indonesia has 
trimmed the rate by 375 basis points since last May to 9.0 pct currently. 

 Last month, the central bank's board of governors voted to leave the rate 
unchanged. The next meeting is slated for next Tuesday.

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] xfnab/xfnrc        MMMM  KZW53-02May07 10:31 GMT
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