Saturday February 28, 6:07 pm ET
By Josh Funk, AP Business Writer
Buffett optimistic despite Berkshire's worst year, prospects for more
economic turmoil

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- Warren Buffett remains optimistic about the
prospects for his company and the nation even though Berkshire
Hathaway Inc. turned in its worst performance in 2008 and the
widely-followed investor says the economy will likely remain a mess
beyond this year.

Buffett used his annual letter Saturday to reassure shareholders that
the Omaha-based insurance and investment company has the financial
strength needed to withstand the current turmoil and improve after the
worst showing of Buffett's 44 years as chairman and CEO.

Buffett wrote he's certain "the economy will be in shambles throughout
2009 -- and, for that matter, probably well beyond -- but that
conclusion does not tell us whether the stock market will rise or fall."

In between the news of Berkshire's sharply lower profit and a thorough
explanation of its largely unrealized $7.5 billion investment and
derivative losses, Buffett offered a hopeful view of the nation's future.

He said America has faced bigger economic challenges in the past,
including two World Wars and the Great Depression.

"Though the path has not been smooth, our economic system has worked
extraordinarily well over time," Buffett wrote. "It has unleashed
human potential as no other system has, and it will continue to do so.
America's best days lie ahead."

Buffett's letter appeared to mollify the concerns of many who follow
the company, but it's not yet clear whether that will help Berkshire's
Class A stock extend its rebound from the new five-year low it set
last Monday at $73,500. On Friday, it closed up $250 at $78,600.

"If anything, I feel better than I did before I read it," Morningstar
analyst Bill Bergman said. Berkshire's results could have easily been
worse, he said.

But Buffett estimates Berkshire's book value -- assets minus
liabilities -- declined 9.6 percent to $70,530 per share in 2008 --
the biggest drop since he took control of the company in 1965.
Berkshire's book value declined only one other time under Buffett, and
that was a 6.2 percent drop in 2001 when insurance losses related to
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks hurt results.

Berkshire's Class A shares remain the most expensive U.S. stock, but
they fell nearly 32 percent in 2008 and have declined 48 percent since
setting a high of $151,650 in December 2007. That high came after an
exceptionally profitable quarter that was helped by a $2 billion
investment gain.

The S&P 500 fell 37 percent in 2008.

Within Berkshire, Buffett said the company's retail businesses,
including furniture and jewelry stores, and those tied to residential
construction, such as Shaw carpet and Acme Brick, were hit hard last
year. Net income for those businesses slipped 3 percent to $2.28
billion, and Buffett said they will likely continue to perform below
their potential in 2009.

But he said Berkshire's utility and insurance businesses, which
includes Geico, both delivered outstanding results in 2008 that helped
balance out the other businesses.

The Des Moines, Iowa-based utility division, MidAmerican Energy
Holdings, contributed $1.7 billion to Berkshire's net income in 2008
thanks to more than $1 billion in proceeds from MidAmerican's failed
takeover of Constellation Energy. That's up from the $1.1 billion
utility profit that Berkshire recorded in 2007.

The insurance division, which also includes reinsurance giant General
Re, contributed $1.8 billion in earnings from underwriting -- a drop
of 17 percent from 2007. Buffett praised Geico CEO Tony Nicely's
efficiency and his ability to increase Geico's market share to 7.7
percent of the auto insurance market last year.

"As we view Geico's current opportunities, Tony and I feel like two
hungry mosquitoes in a nudist camp. Juicy targets are everywhere,"
Buffett wrote.

Overall, Berkshire's 2008 profit of $4.99 billion, or $3,224 per Class
A share, was down 62 percent from $13.21 billion, or $8,548 per share,
in 2007.

Berkshire's fourth-quarter numbers were even worse. Buffett's company
reported net income of $117 million, or $76 per share, down 96 percent
from $2.95 billion, or $1,904 per share, a year earlier.

Buffett devoted nearly five pages of his letter to shareholders to
explaining the role derivatives played in the company's investment
losses last year.

The derivatives Berkshire offers operate similar to insurance
policies. Some of them cover whether certain stock market indexes --
the S&P 500, the FTSE 100 in the United Kingdom, the Euro Stoxx 50 in
Europe and the Nikkei 225 in Japan -- will be lower 15 or 20 years in
the future. Others cover credit losses at groups of 100 companies, and
some cover credit risks of individual companies.

Buffett said he initiated all of Berkshire's 251 different derivative
contracts because he believes they were mispriced in Berkshire's favor.

Analyst Justin Fuller, who works with Midway Capital Research &
Management in Chicago, said he thinks the details Buffett offered
about Berkshire's derivatives will help.

Fuller said two key things make Berkshire's derivatives different from
the complex financial bets of the same name that other companies have
used. Berkshire requires most payment upfront, so there's little risk
the other party to the derivative will fail to pay. And Berkshire
won't take part in derivatives that require the company to post
substantial collateral when the value of the contract falls.

"I think laying those out as plainly and simply as he did with
examples should calm investors' fears about derivatives," said Fuller.

Berkshire has received $8.1 billion in payments for derivatives which
can be invested until the contracts expire years from now.

But Berkshire has to estimate the value of its derivatives every
quarter. Buffett said he supports that mark-to-market accounting, but
the Black-Scholes formula used to estimate that value tends to
overstate Berkshire's liability on long-term contracts.

"Even so, we will continue to use Black-Scholes when we are estimating
our financial-statement liability for long-term equity puts. The
formula represents conventional wisdom and any substitute that I might
offer would engender extreme skepticism," Buffett wrote.

Buffett said he made at least one major investing mistake last year by
buying a large amount of ConocoPhillips stock when oil and gas prices
were near their peak.

Berkshire increased its stake in ConocoPhillips from 17.5 million
shares in 2007 to 84.9 million shares at the end of 2008. Buffett said
he didn't anticipate last year's dramatic fall in energy prices, so
his decision cost Berkshire shareholders several billion dollars.

Buffett says he also spent $244 million on stock in two Irish banks
that appeared cheap. But since then, he's had to write down the value
of those purchases to $27 million.

But Buffett also had several investing successes in 2008.

Berkshire committed $14.5 billion to fixed income investments in
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and General Electric Co. Those investments
carry high interest rates and give Berkshire the option to acquire
stock in those companies.

To fund those investments, Buffett said he had to sell some of
Berkshire's holdings in Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble Co. and
ConocoPhillips even though he would have rather kept that stock.

"However, I have pledged -- to you, the rating agencies and myself --
to always run Berkshire with more than ample cash. We never want to
count on the kindness of strangers in order to meet tomorrow's
obligations," Buffett said.

In that regard, Berkshire should be OK because the company finished
2008 with $24.3 billion cash on hand. That's down significantly from
the $37.7 billion the company held at the end of 2007, reflecting the
investments Buffett made during the year.

Berkshire owns a diverse mix of more than 60 companies, including
insurance, furniture, carpet, jewelry, restaurants and utility
businesses. And it has major investments in such companies as Wells
Fargo & Co. and Coca-Cola Co.

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