Saya lagi iseng me review JPRS eh dapet berita ini nih, yg intinya : 
manajemen nya tidak bisa dipercaya. jadi be carefull.
Ini yg ada di laporan bapepam :

IV. The Case of PT Jaya Pari Steel Corp. Ltd. Tbk
1. The case began when PT Jaya Pari Steel Corp. Ltd. Tbk sent a 
letter to Bapepam
stating that on December 13, 2001 the company has sold its fixed 
asset in the form
of land and building located at Jalan Margomulyo No. 29A (MM-29A) 
valued Rp 29,300,000,000.00 (twenty nine billion and three hundred 
million rupiah) to
PT Gunawan Dianjaya Steel which has an affiliation with the company.
2. Based on investigation and examination on data or documents and 
connected to the case, Bapepam found that PT Jaya Pari Steel Corp. 
Ltd. Tbk has
positively sold the asset in the form of MM-29A valued 
Rp29,300,000,000.00 (twenty
nine billion and three hundred million rupiah) to PT Gunawan 
Dianjaya Steel, its
affiliated party on 13 December 2001. The transaction has not yet 
obtained an
approval from independent shareholders in a General Meeting of 
3. Based on the investigation, Bapepam decided that PT Jaya Pari 
Steel Corp. Ltd. Tbk
has violated Bapepam Rule No. IX.E.1 concerning Conflict of Interest 
on Certain
Transactions. Therefore, the company is imposed with the following 
a. Fines in the amount of Rp. 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million 
b. Requirement to put an agenda concerning the company's 
accountability and
information disclosure with regard to the sale of company's asset in 
the form of
MM-29A on 13 December 2001 to an affiliated party, in the next 
general Meeting
of Shareholders


Ini Link nya :

Tedy Gunawan - Scion of Indonesian Gangster Family

The family of left-wing Indonesian national and key player in the 
appointment of corrupt MUSU Liquidator Dean McVeigh, Tedy Gunawan is 
involved in corporate crime in Indonesia and has been engaged in a 
criminal conspiracy to destroy the Australian and Canadian steel 
industries by dumping cheap steel in those markets.

Long-time readers will be familiar with the tale of Tedy Gunawan, a 
corrupt and violent Indonesian national operating from Australia. An 
associate of militant left-wing groups in Australia and an advocate 
of the overthrowing of the Indonesian government, perversely enough 
he is an heir to the PT Gunawan fortune created by his millionaire 
industrialist father, Charles Gunawan. His father is also known to 
be involved in intriguing against the democratically elected 
government of Indonesia.

A source close to Tedy Gunawan has provided the OC with a startling 
insight into the extent of Tedy and his Daddy's criminality. 
Australian Customs Dumping Notice No. 2004/12 shows that PT Gunawan 
was found guilty of dumping steel in Austraila in an attempt to 
destroy the Australian steel industry.

PT Gunawan Elektrindo is just one part of the Gunawan's criminal 
enterprises. It claims a turnover in excess of $25 million per annum 
and operates in Jakarta paying its mainly Javanese employees around 
$1 a day. Its corrupt empire spans several factories where employees 
are forced to work for twelve hours a day, require a supervisors' 
permission for a toilet break and are not offered any medical 
insurance or even drinking water in the workplace.

The company is owned and controlled by Gunawan Senior, believed to 
be in league with elements opposed to the Indonesian Government.

Another arm of the PT Gunawan octupus is PT Gunawan Dianjaya Steel 
which has been investigated by Canadian authorities for dumping 
steel in Canada below commercial prices as a result of receiving 
corruptly obtained government subsidies by an Indonesian government 

Even in corruption riddled Indonesia, PT Gunawan is regarded as a 
rogue enterprise. They were involved in a transaction so scandalous 
that it would make even Solomon Lew blush. According to documents 
obtained by the OC, Gunawan has been involved in serious fraud 
against shareholders in Indonesia which has attracted the attention 
of Indonesian regulators. They found Charles Gunawan guilty of 
selling assets on the cheap from a public company controlled by him 
to his privately held PT Gunawan Dianjaya Steel. It fined him five 
hundred million rupiah and ordered that the related party 
transaction be referred to independent shareholders.

IV. The Case of PT Jaya Pari Steel Corp. Ltd. Tbk
1. The case began when PT Jaya Pari Steel Corp. Ltd. Tbk sent a 
letter to Bapepam
stating that on December 13, 2001 the company has sold its fixed 
asset in the form
of land and building located at Jalan Margomulyo No. 29A (MM-29A) 
valued Rp 29,300,000,000.00 (twenty nine billion and three hundred 
million rupiah) to
PT Gunawan Dianjaya Steel which has an affiliation with the company.
2. Based on investigation and examination on data or documents and 
connected to the case, Bapepam found that PT Jaya Pari Steel Corp. 
Ltd. Tbk has
positively sold the asset in the form of MM-29A valued 
Rp29,300,000,000.00 (twenty
nine billion and three hundred million rupiah) to PT Gunawan 
Dianjaya Steel, its
affiliated party on 13 December 2001. The transaction has not yet 
obtained an
approval from independent shareholders in a General Meeting of 
3. Based on the investigation, Bapepam decided that PT Jaya Pari 
Steel Corp. Ltd. Tbk
has violated Bapepam Rule No. IX.E.1 concerning Conflict of Interest 
on Certain
Transactions. Therefore, the company is imposed with the following 
a. Fines in the amount of Rp. 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million 
b. Requirement to put an agenda concerning the companys 
accountability and
information disclosure with regard to the sale of companys asset in 
the form of
MM-29A on 13 December 2001 to an affiliated party, in the next 
general Meeting
of Shareholders. 

Join the ongoing investigation into the Gunawan clan yourself by 
seeing these links.

Gunawan Fined 500 million rupiah

Canadian Investigation into Gunawan Steel Dumping

Australian Authorities Find Gunawan Guilty of Illegal Dumping of 
Steel and Force Price Undertakings

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Posted by Andrew Landeryou at 8:43 AM |  

Labels: corruption, solomon lew 

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