Wednesday February 25, 3:18 am ET
By David Espo, AP Special Correspondent
Obama sketches ambitious agenda, beginning with jobs, tells nation:
'We are not quitters'

WASHINGTON (AP) -- To a nation reeling from recession and facing
long-festering problems, President Barack Obama has a simple reminder:
"We are not quitters."

Whatever the problems, the new president promised in the first
prime-time speech of his term, "We will rebuild, we will recover and
the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."

Standing before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night, Obama
optimistically sketched an agenda that began with jobs, then broadened
quickly to include a stable credit system, better schools, health care
reform, reliable domestic sources of energy and an end to the war in
Iraq. Specifics will follow, he said, although he conceded more
billions may be necessary to stabilize the banking system.

The president drew loud cheers as he made his way down the center
aisle, again when he stood, alone, at the podium to speak, and several
more times in an address delivered in a hall packed with lawmakers,
members of his administration, Supreme Court justices and diplomats.

Humorous and poignant moments took their turns on a night when
virtually the entire government gathered under one heavily secured roof.

As when Obama explained his decision to have Vice President Joe Biden
oversee implementation of his stimulus plan by saying, "Nobody messes
with Joe."

Or when he urged lawmakers to pass education legislation named in part
for Massachusetts' Democratic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, battling brain
cancer. The 77-year-old lawmaker "has never stopped asking what he can
do for his country," Obama said, rephrasing an enduring line from
President John F. Kennedy's 1960 inaugural address.

Little more than one month into the president's term, the speech
followed congressional passage of an $787 billion stimulus bill,
coincided with pending proposals to stem an epidemic of mortgage
foreclosures and served as prelude to a budget Obama pledged will cut
projected deficits in half by the end of his term.

The new president submits his tax and spending plans to Congress on

With solid Democratic majorities in both houses, Obama can count on a
reliable base of support as he pushes his agenda. But his drive for
bipartisanship depends in part on his standing in the polls -- strong
so far -- and his speech was aimed at lawmakers as well as the viewing

"What is required now is for this country to pull together, confront
boldly the challenges we face, and take responsibility for our future
once more," he said.

Republicans said they were ready to work with Obama and his Democratic
allies in Congress -- up to a point.

"Where we agree, Republicans must be the president's strongest
partners. And where we disagree, Republicans have a responsibility to
be candid and offer better ideas for a path forward," said Louisiana
Gov. Bobby Jindal, tapped by party leaders to deliver the GOP response.

Jindal, the first Indian-American governor in history, also took the
opportunity to pledge to voters his party would try to regain their
trust after an election in which Democrats not only won, elevating the
first African-American to the White House, but strengthened their
majorities in Congress.

"We will do so by standing up for the principles that we share," he said.

The president seemed to do a little political positioning of his own.

He said the recently passed stimulus legislation was designed to "put
people back to work and put money in their pockets. Not because I
believe in bigger government -- I don't." And despite what his critics
claim, he said, no family with an income of less than $250,000 would
face higher taxes because of his plan.

While Obama's speech was short on specifics, his remarks hinted at
legislative battles ahead with Democrats as well as Republicans in

He said he had already identified $2 trillion in savings to be
achieved over the next decade, adding: "We will end education programs
that don't work and end direct payments to large agribusinesses that
don't need them. We'll eliminate no-bid contracts that have wasted
billions in Iraq."

He also pledged to "root out the waste, fraud and abuse in our
Medicare program that doesn't make our seniors any healthier," an
apparent reference to the subsidies the government pays to private
insurance companies offering an alternative to traditional Medicare
under a program long nourished by Republicans.

While Obama's speech had the trappings of a State of the Union
address, it technically wasn't.

And unlike most such speeches, which mark the beginning of legislative
action, this one came after a spurt of activity by Democrats eager to
get to work with a new president of their own party.

Already, Obama has signed stimulus legislation, as well as a bill
expanding health care for lower-income children and a separate measure
giving workers a longer window in which to sue their employers for pay

The discrimination bill was named for Lilly Ledbetter, a woman who
lost a Supreme Court decision that the bill effectively overturned.
She was present for the speech, seated in a part of the gallery
reserved for presidential guests.

Another presidential guest was Ty'Sheoma Bethea, an eighth-grader at
J.V. Martin Junior High School in Dillon, S.C. "We are not quitters,"
she wrote in a letter seeking improvements at her rundown school,
words that Obama adopted for his own speech.

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