Pak Syarif,
BUMI membeli tambang coal terbesar di dunia itu dgn hutang.
Dan mereka membayar bunga atas hutang itu besar sekali.
saya lupa lagi apakah hasil tambang ini masih memberikan cash flow
positif, atau nyaris nul, tapi risikonya besar, when something goes wrong,
mereka bakalan keteteran bayar bunga bulanan tsb.

nanti saya coba carikan latar belakang dari financing mereka waktu
took-over tambang coal tsb, kalo anda tertarik.


Salam Sejahtera...

Pada Jumat, 8 Desember 2006, Frederick Schubert menulis:

> BUMI: like or dislike...this company remains the
> holder of the largest coal assets in the, if demand for coal
> (which already started by expression from India to import moe coal from
> Indonesia) is increasing, BUMI and PTBA may benefit much.

Permission to speak, Sir !

If it does, why did the Bumi management tried several times (?) to sell
Arutmin ? It is
out of my question that they do not know about the future of theirs. There
should be
something not well in their strategy, but I may be wrong about this. I
myself sold mine
last week, after a year await and months of their promise(s).

Sharif Dayan

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