Duh.. udah lama gak nengok, kok tiba2 jadi rame gini. 

Lagian ngapain pamer2 main berapa banyak, loss berapa banyak. Yg tau jg kita 
sendiri. Klo bener mainnya segitu jg, apa orang yg "sentimen" mau percaya? 
Kalau sudah negatif mah, mau di jejelin positif jg gak bakalan masuk. Gelas 
udah penuh. 

Yg penting mah, untung utk diri sendiri, kalau banyak orang gak suka, ya gak 
usah posting. Yg rugi jg orang lain yg memang membutuhkan. Apakah anda sebagai 
trader butuh "informasi" spesifik utk saham atau mata uang tertentu? Saya rasa 
gak. Trader yg bagus adalah individualistik. Riset sendiri, makan sendiri, 
untung/rugi sendiri. Istilah kerennya AUTIS, memiliki dunia sendiri.

Lagian kalau gak suka, tinggal delete aja emailnya susah amat.

Dari: Kwee Cheng <kwee.ch...@yahoo.com>
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Rab, 3 Maret, 2010 18:36:27


Dear Traders

Sebelumnya saya berterima kasih atas perhatian sebagian rekan - rekan pada 
Astronacci Trading System saya. Namun ada juga beberapa yang salah mengerti 
tentang keberadaan Astronacci. Untuk itu dibawah ini sedikit saya deskripsikan 
apakah Astronacci ini sehingga bisa lebih dipahami dan di terima. 

Apa yang ditulis dibawah ini adalah potongan dari Artikel ASTRONACCI yang ada 
di website www.stocksforliving.com. Juga di jelaskan bahwa Astronacci ini bukan 

Astronacci adalah sebuah trading system yang dianugerahkan Tuhan kepada saya 
melalui perjuangan yang sangat berat dalam designnya. Hampir USD 50.000 saya 
LOSS Di market dalam rangka design dan kalibrasi sistem ini. Astronacci tidak 
hanya digunakan untuk trading saham, namun seluruh sekuriti yang bisa di 

Astronacci bukan juga ilmu hitam, sakral dan lainnya. Walaupun saya menggunakan 
Financial Astrology tapi tetap ada modern TA indikator seperti Moving Average 
dan lainnya.

Semoga dengan penjelasan ini dapat memberi jawaban pada pihak-pihak yang kurang 
jelas dan juga yang menganggap bahwa Astronacci adalah robot seharga USD50.000. 
Astronacci untuk kalangan sendiri, dan di dedikasikan KHUSUS untuk para NEWBIE 
yang masih LOST di market dalam menentukan arah. Diharapkan dari 
artikel-artikel kami, bisa memberi ide dan MEMBANGKITKAN SENSE OF HARMONY dalam 
melihat keindahan alam semesta pada market.

Di tahun 2010, Astronacci telah diberikan kesempatan untuk  terdaftar sebagai 
paten dan Trade Mark di HAKI dan juga United States Intellectual Right Officer, 
dan komitmen kami suatu hari nanti akan digunakan untuk mendidikKaum marginal, 
anak-anak yatim piatu dan cacat fisik untuk dapat mencari nafkah berjuang di 
financial market.

Semua ini bukan karena kehebatan saya, tapi karena Anugerah dan kasih sayang 
Tuhan pada hamba-NYa yang tidak memiliki kemampuan apa-apa seperti saya. 
OVERALL , saya adalah newbie yang masih butuh bimbingan dari senior2 sekalian 
seperti Mbah, pak SB, pak Hans, dan lainnya.

Terima kasih dan mohon doa restunya dan dukungan moralnya, maaf jika kurang 

Ecclesiastes 1: 9 – 10
What has been will be again, 
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun

IT will works on Trending Market and Complex Corrective Market
Price and Time is Dynamic, there is no ROBOT can defeat the nature, therefore 

Bible says that to every thing there is a season, and a time to every
purpose under the heaven. Time is the most important thing in the
universe. Everything moves to respect a time harmony. All objects in
this universe have a strong commitment to the time and pattern. The Sun
is never being late to shine this earth from East to west. This is a
harmony in the nature of the universe.

harmony in this universe rules the price movement in any markets and
any time frame. A trend reversal and big price movement occurs when
pattern and price meet the time. Therefore determine a meeting point of
pattern, price and time is very important. William Delbert Gann
(1878-1955) is one of the greatest traders in history that reported
booked more USD 56 Million over the course in his trading career by
using the natural law through Financial Astrology and Geometry.
Nowadays many billionaires and great fund manager around the world use
financial astrology to manage huge capitals in the financial market.

ASTRONACCITM is a technical trading system developed by Gema Merdeka G, founder 
Stocksforliving Indonesia.Ltd. His trading for living activity was
inspiring many people to learn more in this industry.

The ASTRONACCITM has ability to forecast a meeting point of pattern, price and 
This trading system is beyond a classical and modern technical
analysis. It is really objective, fair and smart to forecast the time
reversal of a trend, also identify when the big movement will appear. 
system use a natural law through Financial Astrology aspects and
Fibonacci Harmony to find the high probability extreme price top and
bottom formation in a high precision time target. We call this a moment
when sky and earth meet in a harmony. There is no indicators are able
to predict the futures with extreme price top and bottom because it tends to be 
late. To found a harmony of the
universe in price movement, we have to use a natural way.

as a Global Positioning System by plot and map the future price and
time target. It works as great architect who designs a blue print of a
building construction.ASTRONACCITM is
the first to combine Financial Astrology Aspects with Wave Cycle. It
uses Fibonacci to make a blue print of a market in the future and
Financial Astrology Aspects to find a high precision time target.
Drawing the future price target using Astronacci and Fibonacci then
Plot the reversal time using Financial Astrology is a perfect
combination which is has more than 90% accuracy.ASTRONACCITM works in any 
market and any time frame.

concern to capital protection through tight money management system. It
will limit the risk below 6% of equity per trade. It uses special
technique to set up the trade to a Break Even position when market is
not in good condition.

we present the example of price mapping in The British Pound. The last
data of this chart (Software Futures Galleria Meta Trader 4) is on
November 3, 2009 with the latest price 1.6566. The blueprint of the
British Pound tells us the price will decline to the red zone, from B
to C. The price construction has been plotted by using Elliott Wave,
Fibonacci and Financial Astrology through its angle and time harmony.

(Click the picture to open the original size)

(Click the picture to open the original size)

good trading system map and plot all prices, pattern and time. No
matter how sophisticated indicator and system that traders have, it
will always failed at the end if there are no price mapping inside it.
Price and Time always moves dynamicly. Traders should realize know that
entry and exit is a part of price mapping. There are two trading
strategy in ASTRONACCITM.


This trading system is inspired by W.D GANN quote, “Big Money comes with a Big 
Trend”. Therefore ASTRONACCITM set
the entry point relatively at the beginning of the new trend, sharply
at extreme top or bottom with high precision time target (±3 Bars
Deviation) then rides the trend until it complete. Each trade will be a
free trade by set the stop loss target 1 point above/below entry level
after price reverse.

a. End of Wave 1 Entry
b. End of Wave C Entry
c. End of Wave 4 Entry
d. End of Wave 5 Entry
e. Complex Correction Entry

(Click the picture to open the original size)

(Click the picture to open the original size)



Continuation Trading is an aggressive way to explode the profit. Once
blueprint has been made and the direction of the trend has been
determined, ASTRONACCITM will produce amazing pips/point from the trend. 

The technique is simple but smart. ASTRONACCITM will collect a lots of points 
when price decline in a major bullish
trend, and when price goes up in a major bearish trend. Return on
investment can be gigantic with minimum risk.
 Terhubung langsung dengan banyak teman di blog dan situs pribadi Anda? 
Buat Pingbox terbaru Anda sekarang! 

      Lebih aman saat online. Upgrade ke Internet Explorer 8 baru dan lebih 
cepat yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! agar Anda merasa lebih aman. Gratis. 
Dapatkan IE8 di sini! 

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