Omong2.. apa si ratu itu bener economist dari Macquarie ya.... kaya yang dibawah ini? hehhehhee
please confirm ratu......

    Quantitative easing factsheet
    [Report attached] Macquarie’s economist Aimee Kaye provides a
    factsheet on quantitative easing, a subject that has become
    popular in recent days. Quantitative easing (QE) refers to an
    unconventional monetary policy tool whereby the central bank
    flushes the banking system with new deposits. This is accomplished
    by using newly-created money, in the form of bank deposits as
    opposed to cash, to buy up large quantities of assets from banks.
    This creates excess deposits in the banking system, while
    expanding the central banks’ balance sheet with the purchased assets.

    The risks of pursuing QE are high, and most commonly cited is the
    risk to inflation. In the current environment, some inflationary
    pressures would not go awry. Rampant inflation only becomes a
    problem if QE works ‘too well’, with additional reserve deposits
    simultaneously extended as credit to households and business. The
    risk of this occurring is low. Indeed, with ongoing financial
    tensions and an economy in recession, QE can be considered the
    lesser risk.
    Diposkan oleh BRIGHT INFO di 11:02
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