On May 23, 2004, at 5:40 PM, Tavis Allison wrote:
By the way, if you've set replies to be anything but just to the list,
please indicate that. I don't make a policy of duplicate replies, and
simply happened not to check this time until it was too late. It's
generally a waste of resources
On May 23, 2004, at 5:40 PM, Tavis Allison wrote:
What are the implications of publishing two editions of a work, one of
which would use the d20 license and the other of which would use only
the OGL? Assume that both works share the same title, are released by
the same company, contain similar m
--- Tavis Allison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The titles and covers would also be
> similar except for their use of logos and trademarks.
Why do you want the titles and covers to be so similar?
I’d strongly suggest differing
sub-titles just to avoid confusion amongst consumers, retailers, and
distributors. I’d certainly hate to order a copy of the d20 book only to
have the retailer thought I meant the OGL version. As for the legality, I’m
not certain if you chose to keep the exact
What are the implications of publishing two editions of a work,
one of which would use the d20 license and the other of which would
use only the OGL? Assume that both works share the same title, are released by
the same company, contain similar material, and are in print and on sale