RE: [Ogf-l] Question about creating a specific kind of open licenseforCharity.

2005-04-03 Thread Jim Butler
I'd also point out that determining exactly what 'profits' are is going to be tantamount. There's no end to the expenses one could claim before profits exist... Jim Butler, Editor-in-ChiefBastion Press,   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behal

Re: [Ogf-l] Question about creating a specific kind of open license forCharity.

2005-04-03 Thread Tavis Allison
Interesting idea. One way to approach it would be to declare your key elements as Product Identity, and include a limited license granting the user the ability to use these PI elements in their work providing that: 1) they identify these PI elements as belonging to your system 2) they r

[Ogf-l] Question about creating a specific kind of open license for Charity.

2005-04-03 Thread Evan Paliatseas
Hello all. I have been lurking on this list for a while, trying to pick up some of the notable elements and finer points of licensing issues. I must admit to being somewhat humbled at the intricacy and complexity of the issues involved even after my reading thus far. I would like to ask for so