RE: [Ogf-l] Long Section 15 (and the e-mail's long too)

2006-10-13 Thread The Sigil
back (i.e., pages 1 to X are Work 1 and pages X+1 to Y are Work 2)... the difference would only be that you don't have them "Back to Back" but you've mixed the pages up, as it were. Of course, IANAL, TINLA. --The Sigil From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Spike Y Jo

Re: [Ogf-l] Re: [Ogf-d20-l] D&D 4E

2006-08-10 Thread The Sigil
x27; work as their own - or at least piggyback some dollars. Even with a legitimate "building on a foundation" though, I can, of course, see where that would be frustrating from a consumer/reviewer sense (I already have Product X; if Product Y has a significant portion of material

[Ogf-l] Re: [Ogf-d20-l] D&D 4E

2006-08-09 Thread The Sigil
*shrugs* Oh well. I hope at the end of the day it turns out that you are right and I'm not just a cynic. But honestly, I saw little "enlightened self-interest" the first go-round, why should the second go-round - with mostly the same players - be any different? --Spencer &

[Ogf-l] Test (Please Ignore)

2005-03-24 Thread The Sigil
Just changed a lot of my subscription options and wanted to test the changes by posting this message; please ignore this post. ___ Ogf-l mailing list

[Ogf-l] Ryan Dancey: ogf-l and ogf-d20-l archives dead?

2004-07-14 Thread The Sigil
seems dead of late; not sure if that's good or bad, but just trying to make sure everything still works. --The Sigil _ Get fast, reliable Internet access with MSN 9 Dial-up – now 2 months FREE!

[Ogf-l] OGL as a License, not a contract (redux)...

2004-05-14 Thread The Sigil
ng. I might enter into a contract with WotC to let me use the D&D logo on my products in exchange for money. WotC has the right to demand payment should I use their logo. I have the right to demand to use their logo should I pay them money. Hope that clarifi

[Ogf-l] (no subject)

2004-05-14 Thread The Sigil
en permission from the copyright holder to infringe so my work is okay" in defending my use of and derivation from someone else's work. (IANAL, TINLA) --The Sigil _ Best Restaurant Giveaway Ever! Vote for your

[Ogf-l] Clark...

2004-03-15 Thread The Sigil
Clark is probably at the GAMA Trade show in Las Vegas (most print publishers are); I would assume he has e-mail access there, but he may not - if you don't hear from him for a few days, that's probably why. --The Sigil Clark if you’re reading this please contact me as soon as feasibl

[Ogf-l] Credits/Compatibility

2003-08-26 Thread The Sigil
nt of Open Game Content from ProductX by AuthorY.' These sentences may not be altered and must appear in their entirety in the same font face and size." A little something like that might solve a LOT of "research" problems. --The Sigil _

[Ogf-l] On "Ownership" of PI...

2003-07-24 Thread The Sigil
nts about the "ownership/PI" issue on the list, but until I feel I have - or someone else has - something new to contribute, will remain silent. --The Sigil _ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and

[Ogf-l] Alternate Sourcing and Section 7 - and the capital "U" in Use...

2003-07-24 Thread The Sigil
e" were a lower-case "use," or better yet, if the phrase read, "You agree not to use any term designated by another as Product Identity," then I would be more inclined to entertain a "forbidden terms" list. I hope that made se

[Ogf-l] The dichotomy of readings...

2003-07-23 Thread The Sigil
"make the terms of the OGL so onerous as to be impossible to comply with it because PI is too strong" or "make the OGL reasonably easy to comply with because PI is worthless." I'll take the latter, myself. Whether or not I'm happy about that is another questio

[Ogf-l] The dichotomy of readings...

2003-07-23 Thread The Sigil
t;you can't use someone else's 'Thor'" but you CAN make your own Thor... because that's not using their PI, it's creating your own. I'm rambling, I just hope the magnitude of that point - that Section 2 indicates that the License only "sticks"

[Ogf-l] (no subject)

2003-07-23 Thread The Sigil
could go on, but you see how ridiculous this is getting. Now you can't write a thing. That's why I think you need to re-think your position on what constitutes "concepts" and "language" and whether or not "ownership" or "prior art enhancements&quo

[Ogf-l] "d20" as Product Identity...

2003-07-22 Thread The Sigil
fied in order for something to become PI: 1.) It must not already exist (to the knowledge of the one who designates the PI) as Open Game Content (for the precise inverse of the reasons stated in the "unknowingly treading on another's PI debate"). 2.) It must be one of t

[Ogf-l] (no subject)

2003-07-01 Thread The Sigil
er clear of using the PI that I am aware of, and rely on the 30-day cure period to keep my backside protected should I inadvertently tread on "direct ancestral" PI. Gotta love the 30-day period... keeps the lawyers out of things. :-) --The Sigil ___

[Ogf-l] (Long) Copyright, Trademark, OGC, PI, Separate vs. Meta-Licenses and more.

2003-07-01 Thread The Sigil
ause Joey Bob's contract says it's a 'No-No' Word and my contract says "any 'No-No' Word")? If Joey Bob says, "the" can Bobby Joe tag him for using a word that appeared on the 'No-No' List? If Joey Bob says, "butter" can

[Ogf-l] OGC/PI (again)

2003-06-30 Thread The Sigil
. Hence, they are clearly two separate and distinct things. It seems quite reasonable to me to think that since Trademarks are already well-defined legal entities, there is no need to lump them into the same category as PI. PI does not exist outside the OGL, therefore it

[Ogf-l] RE(2): Independently Designed OGC/PI Clashes

2003-06-30 Thread The Sigil
unless you want to conclude that there is no such thing as PI created after September of 2000 because I, as someone who published under the OGL back then, have not approved of the material changes to the contract I agreed to back then and so anyone who has PI'd anything after that date has

[Ogf-l] OGC/PI Redux

2003-06-30 Thread The Sigil
ossibly slander and libel... and I'm reasonably sure they could at least recoup their court costs. That's why I'm REAL glad there's a 30-day cooling-off period in the OGL. Thanks, Ryan Dancey! :) (hope this isn't a dupe, got an error message when I tried sending a mo

[Ogf-l] RE: Independently Designed OGC/PI Clashes

2003-06-30 Thread The Sigil
change, well, they're stuck under the old terms. Come to think of it, I hope you're right in your interpretation - then everyone will have to come crawling to me just to add what they want to the list of PI terms. And I could demand monetary compensation. And if there

[Ogf-l] RE: Tainted OGC

2003-06-06 Thread The Sigil
#x27;m trying to gauge whether people think this would be a useful tool (in theory), even if I doubt it will ever see existence in the real world due to the costs (time, manpower, and money) involved. I think I'm rambling now, so I'll shut up before I get myself into more trouble.