Hello all,
I was investigating menus.bas and came up with this script which lists all the
unique strings,in order, in BAS/BI files (whichever files you specify).
I thought that could have applications for developing, so I'm posting it here.
(currently requires grep, but that could easily be changed.)

It produces output like this:

scrcommands.bi :"noop"
scrcommands.bi :"wait"
scrcommands.bi :"waitforall"
scrcommands.bi :"waitforhero"
scrcommands.bi :"waitfornpc"
scrcommands.bi :"suspendnpcs"
scrcommands.bi :"suspendplayer"
scrcommands.bi :"resumenpcs"
scrcommands.bi :"resumeplayer"
scrcommands.bi :"waitforkey"
scrcommands.bi :"walkhero"
scrcommands.bi :"showtextbox"
scrcommands.bi :"checktag"
scrcommands.bi :"settag"
scrcommands.bi :","

customsubs.bas :"THE INN COSTS (# gold)"
customsubs.bas :"THE INN COSTS"
customsubs.bas :"You have (# gold)"
customsubs.bas :"You have"
customsubs.bas :"CANNOT RUN!"

menus.bas      :"Pass through walls"
menus.bas      :"Pass through NPCs"
menus.bas      :"Enable NPC activation"
menus.bas      :"Enable door use"
menus.bas      :"Do not hide leader"
menus.bas      :"Do not hide party"
menus.bas      :"Dismount one space ahead"
menus.bas      :"Pass walls while dismounting"
menus.bas      :"Disable flying shadow"
menus.bas      :"default"
menus.bas      :"A"
menus.bas      :"B"
menus.bas      :"A and B"
menus.bas      :"A or B"
menus.bas      :"not A"
menus.bas      :"not B"
menus.bas      :"neither A nor B"

IMO such output could eg. be used to automatically produce
descriptions of lists of bitsets for wiki fileformat docs.

#!/usr/bin/env python
Extract strings from Freebasic BAS or BI files, omitting duplicates
(but preserving order.)

 Intended for application to OHRRPGCE sourcecode.


from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import sys
command = ['grep','-oEe','"[^"]+"'] + sys.argv[1:]

def extract (args):
    command = ['grep','-oTHEe','"[^"]+"'] + args
    f = Popen (command, stdout = PIPE)
    lines = f.stdout.readlines()
    del f
    for l in list(lines):
        if lines.count(l) > 1:
            lines.pop (lines.index (l,lines.index(l)+1))
    for l in list(lines):
        print l[:-1]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    extract (sys.argv[1:])
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