Yikes, I fail at email forever. This was meant to go to the rest of the list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike <caron.m...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Ohrrpgce] Sprites, animation food for thought
To: Seth Hetu <seth.h...@gmail.com>

(Oops, I figured it would. Thunderbird claimed the email didn't send
the first two times)

Anyway, yes. As I mentioned below the relevant snippet, each frame in
an animation can have its own delay. deftime simply specified the
default delay for that animation as a whole.
Mike Caron

-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Hetu <seth.h...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 11:32:41
To: <ohrrpgce@lists.motherhamster.org>; <caron.m...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ohrrpgce] Sprites, animation food for thought

3 times, but nevermind that. I've got a question about animations.

Is it possible to add a "delay" value, which delays the next frame in
the animation? Like:
>     <animation name="stand" deftime="1" loop="no">
>         <dir dir="down">
>             <frame>stand-down</frame>
>         </dir>
>         <dir dir="up" delay=3ms">
>             <frame>stand-up</frame>
>         </dir>
>         <dir dir="right">
>             <frame>stand-right</frame>
>         </dir>
>         <dir dir="left">
>             <frame>stand-left</frame>
>         </dir>
>     </animation>

Then the person remains standing for 3s longer than the other directions?

The reason I ask is that I like your idea of defining the animation by
"wrapping" a PNG sheet with XML. So maybe it would be possible/easy to
add more tags and options to an animation to increase its power. Then,
it's all described in the XML+PNG combo, which makes it really easy to
edit external to the OHR.

Just throwing out ideas, since your first email seemed to encourage
it. Cool system overall.

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 2:01 AM, Mike <caron.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Shoot, if this email went out multiple times, I apologise.
> If not, please disregard this.
> --
> Mike Caron
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Caron <caron.m...@gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 13:37:53
> To: <ohrrpgce@lists.motherhamster.org>
> Subject: Sprites, animation food for thought
> First off, a disclaimer: This is not an actual proposal for a data
> format for the OHR. This is something I've cooked up for another project
> which may or may not ever see the light of day (hopefully, it will, but
> it's immaterial to this discussion).
> This is how I've implemented sprites and animations in this other project:
> First, all pixel data is stored in sprite sheets. These are PNGs that
> contain all the sprites for a given on-screen entity. Technically, as I
> am writing it in .NET, nothing is stopping them from being BMP or JPG or
> something, but I prefer PNG for its true-colour and transparency support.
> Then, with each sprite sheet, there is an XML document that describes it:
> <spriteset xmlns="http://mike-caron.com/za"; name="link1" file="link.png">
>     <frame x="33" y="1" width="16" height="22" ox="8" oy="19"
> name="stand-down" />
>     <frame x="3" y="31" width="16" height="22" ox="8" oy="19"
> name="walk1-down" />
>     <frame x="33" y="31" width="16" height="22" ox="8" oy="19"
> name="walk2-down" />
>     <!-- etc. -->
> Each frame has a name, a position and size on the sheet, and an origin.
> The origin is aligned up with the actual entity's origin (which, ATM is
> always their (x,y) position, but that may be customizable later on)
> Then, after the frame definitions, we have the animation definitions:

> This is mostly self explanitory. Every frame has either one or four
> directions defined, depending on if the sprite has meaningful directions
> (an item on the ground, for example, probably only has one direction. An
> NPC, on the other hand, will have all four).
> Each frame in a direction can have a time parameter, which describes how
> many ticks the frame is displayed for. deftime is just the default such
> value. Obviously, as well, if loop is yes, the animation will start from
> the beginning. If no, it will just stop on the last frame forever.
> Finally, every entity in the game references both a sprite sheet and an
> animation. The idea is that you could change one or the other. For
> example, if you get a better shield, the sprite sheet changes from
> "link1" to "link2". And, obviously, the animation changes based on what
> is happening in the game.
> A few notes on this structure:
>  - There is no accounting for palettes. If you wanted to use a paletted
> sprite, then by all means you are able, but don't expect to be able to
> change that palette in game. The canonical way to add palette swaps is
> to have a different sprite sheet with the same animations (and, I may
> add some way to automate this. Eg, "this sprite sheet is exactly the
> same as this other sprite sheet, so use those definitions")
>  - There is also no way to get any fancier animations. I.e, there's no
> way to automatically oscillate or go backwards or whatever. The way to
> achieve these effects would be to duplicate the frames in the animation.
>    - I may or may not add sprite flipping.
>  - The way the images are laid out on the sheet has absolutely nothing
> to do with how they are animated or displayed. If you wanted the same
> frame, but offset by 5 pixels or whatever, you just modify the origin.
> No muss, no fuss.
>  - Also, there are no inherent limitations on how large or small the
> sprite is. If you want to make a 2d version of Shadow of the Colossus,
> then be my guest! (just, don't expect the video card to necessarily play
> along ;)
> So... yeah. Make of that what you will, I'm just adding ideas to the
> pot. I am aware that this format, as is, is unsuitable for the OHR. It's
> just my two cents.
> Ohrrpgce mailing list
> ohrrpgce@lists.motherhamster.org
> http://lists.motherhamster.org/listinfo.cgi/ohrrpgce-motherhamster.org

Mike Caron
Tale of the Cave
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