Just to notify, to everyone that could be interested that a new version of
Mandragora (http://mandragora.sourceforge.net/) has been released.

New methods have been added, and some limitation of the existing ones have
been removed.
The architecture provided by Mandragora is now more complex, not just
providing the simple chain BD-->DAO, but providing a structure implementing
the pattern BD, Service FAcade, Application Service and DAO, providing
components collaborating together to provide a suitable j2ee architecture,
very easy to extend and customize to the specifications of the application
you have to realize.
Just put mandagora.jar in your library, configure Mandragora.properties in
your classpath, and you will have available a lot of DAO methods implemented
with Ojb persistence broker, that can be used directly, or are used to
implements business methods, in turns yet ready to use.
Using Mandragora you don't have to build the architecture of your
application. That's already done, and having almost 100  business methods,
your are going to save lots of time.
If you are enough skilled with Ojb Persistence broker, there is almost
nothing to learn, and you can be ready to use it  20 minutes reading the


Any comment, help or other would be appreciated a lot.

Thanks in advance, sorry for the annoyance, and have a happy new year

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