I am having problems saving empty strings on the Sql Server with OJB.

        I have some string fields that couldn't be null or empty strings. On Access we 
had a option to mark where we want to permit empty strings or not, in Sql Server I was 
not able to find anything compared to this.

        The problem is, even if I do not send the empty string to my Object, telling 
that this field should be null, OBJ saves an empty string.

        I am working with Exception Trowing to the interface, and as the empty string 
is saved on Sql Server, so I do not receive any exception (as Ojb have saved the empty 
string) on the interface.

        Is there a way to manage OBJ try to save, or not to save (allowing the null on 
the column) this empty string on the table?

        Thanks in advance,
        Marcelo Magno

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