Can someone give me a little xdoclet-example of an inheritance relationship
using joined tables. I always get errors.

This is what I got now for class A:

* @author Nils Liebelt
 * @ojb.class table="Contact"  determine-extents="true"
public abstract class Contact {

 * Primary key field
 * @ojb.field primarykey="true" autoincrement="ojb"
    private int id;

* @ojb.field
    private String address;


... and class B:

 * Representation for the entity Individual
 * @author Nils Liebelt
 * @ojb.modify-inherited name="address" proxy="true" auto-retrieve="true"
auto-update="true" auto-delete="true"
 * @ojb.class table="Individual"
public class Individual extends {

* @ojb.field primarykey="true" autoincrement="ojb"
    private int id;

 * @ojb.field 
    private int attribute_5;





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