I have the following model:

a P contains a collection of Rs
a P also contains an explicit reference to one of the Rs it contains
an R contains a single PS
a PS contains a single OS, a single AS and several collections of other
things that are all empty for this problem.

I construct a P, with single R in it's collection, which points at a PS,
which points at the OS and AS.

With 0.9.9/Oracle, when I attempt I lock the P, and commit it, under
Oracle, the OS is being inserted twice (causing a failure). (No problems
0.9.8, or with 0.9.9 with Hypersonic)

I've been debugging through OJB and sure enough, it tries to do two insert
statements.  Can anyone point me at any likely suspicous places?  Is there
somewhere the system is supposed to check to make sure the same object is
NOT committed twice?

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