
Is there a way how I can simultaneously use multiple databases from OJB JDO ?

OJB allows us to specify multiple jdbc-connection in the database repository but I don't know how to choose a jdbc-connection via the OJB JDO api ?

I wonder if the following JDO code works with OJB :

PersistenceManagerFactory pmf =
(PersistenceManagerFactory) Class.forName(pmf_class).newInstance();
if (user_name != null)
if (password != null)

Can someone tell me if these properties are used ?
If not, what is used and how configure it?


Christophe Demarey,
Research engineer
OpenCCM project - http://www.objectweb.org/openccm
GOAL Team - CNRS/USTL/LIFL - http://www.lifl.fr/GOAL/
Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
LIFL - UMR CNRS 8022- Batiment M3
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex - FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)32043 4728
Fax  : +33 (0)32043 6566

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