Hi there,

I am having some problems getting a lock on my objects when I place my application 
under a small bit of pressure. I have two tables, a Clients table and a Messages 
table. The Messages table has a clientid field in it but I have not explicitly set any 
relationships with the Clients table in my repository descriptor as there may not 
always be a clientid value in the field (as well as the fact that I do not need any 
relationship expressed). Anyway I have a sample script that is reading from my clients 
table and then doing an insert into my messages table. This works fine except for when 
I request this script many times in which case the insert into the Messages table 
fails due to the following error:

org.odmg.LockNotGrantedException: Can not lock [AdminID] null ClientID] 12345 
[Comments] test [DateCreated] {ts '2004-07-26 17:19:11'} [ID] -2 [LastUpdated] {ts 
'2004-07-26 17:19:11'} [Message] test for WRITE at 

When I remove the read from the clients table before the insert into the Messages 
table I cannot seem to reproduce it. So if I am only doing inserts into the Messages 
table it seems to be OK? I have gone through the lock management documentation to see 
if I am missing anything. I have set all my class descriptors to have 
isolation="read-uncomitted". I have also changed the OJBProperties file to have 
ImplicitLocking=false to see if that could help. The lock manager in OJBProperties is 
set to the default of 
LockManagerClass=org.apache.ojb.odmg.locking.LockManagerDefaultImpl. If anyone has any 
advice on something else I could try I would really appreciate it. This application 
really needs to be able to stand up to high performance and its falling over when I 
simply do multiple requests of this script within a few seconds of each other.

Thanks as always for your help!


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