I see in the documentation, and the new build of my repository file from
the 1.2 Release of the OJB Xdoclet module, that if you do not specify a
length for your varchar's, it defaults to a value of 24.

Why was this change necessary? I see that it says because of MySQL that
it now defaults to that, but I am confused as to the ramification for
the rest of us. Up to this point, at least on SQL Server, having no
length specified worked great. And actually, I would prefer not to have
to maintain a length field in my java files, if it is not necessary.

Any idea of what will happen if I leave out the length, it defaults to
24, and my column has data longer than 24? Will it truncate it?

Since this setting was for MySQL only, could we have it be a flag on the
Xdoclet tag that it is a MySql run, and then have it do the default
length, otherwise, don't default to a length?



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