Hello ONAP ARCHCOM and MODCOM members, please allow me to introduce myself - I am working for Deutsche Telekom focussing on the automation of the lifecycle of VNFs residing in cloud infrastructures. Marc Fiedler and Andreas Geissler have asked me to share with the ONAP community some of our thoughts regarding the modelling of these entities and I would be very happy to join the discussion here and develop with you answers to some of the most urgent issues we are facing currently.
I apologize for the lengthy mail but do hope that some of the aspects presented here might be of interest for the community since they address issues which we have been facing and for which have not seen desirable solutions yet. So here goes: Automation of the lifecycle of VNFs/PNFs The main objectives when increasing the degree of automation of the lifecycles of VNFs and PNFs are to: * increase the agility when introducing changes and updates, * decrease the cost of operations and * improve overall service quality. This approach assumes that the effort involved with the introduction of new automation tools will be substantially less than when continuing with processes dominated by manual interventions. VNFs as well as PNFs nowadays consist of a multitude of different components with following characteristics: * large number of elements * huge variety of different technologies * need for frequent changes (outages, patches, updates, capacity adjustments, ...) * complex dependencies between the elements * mixture of management concepts for both legacy and cloud native solutions These aforementioned constraints unfortunately all increase the complexity for automation solutions. Major issues Solutions for two major obstacles still must be found to fully reap the benefits of automation in the VNF/PNF domain: Integration into the infrastructure environment Mapping the capabilities of an automation solution onto a specific environment requires a clear policy of how to model and make use of these assets (the specifics of the environment being: e.g. distribution of datacenter and availability zones, supported virtualization technology, supported optimized network drivers (smart NICs, SR-IOV, DPDK, ...), security constraints, ... ). Due to the variety of different possible environments the complexity of the automation solution might explode. CI/CD integration Lifecycle management of VNFs/PNFs requires close cooperation between the solution providers and the telco operators especially in the case where the responsibilities for the elements change in the course of the lifecycle (DevOps is only a partial answer if an external vendor provides the solution but an internal telco DevOps team is responsible for integration and operations). The customization and configuration of the solutions require a clear understanding of which parameters are related to the telco specific context and which parameters are general characteristics of the product. Modelling guidelines It is necessary to differentiate between the tools (orchestrators, controllers, ...) executing the instructions which have been captured in a set of abstracted models, the protocols (REST, api, cli, ...) of how the automation information is exchanged, the message format of the automation information (TOSCA, yaml, xml, json, ...) and the schema/semantic information describing the actual elements and their configuration (ETSI NFV, ...). [onap.png] Based on a crude schematic description of the ONAP architecture following guidelines are regarded to be useful: * the designer is a tool which allows to describe the desired structure and interaction of the elements of the VNFs/PNFs * controllers are specialized tools to manage the lifecycle of elements of a specific type * orchestrators coordinate the individual actions of the controllers by taking care of the dependencies between different elements * orchestrators should ideally not have to manipulate the configuration data of the various elements * controllers receive configuration data from the controller and return state and endpoint information related to the services which the elements provide * elements should ideally all support a basic set of lifecycle states and transitions (e.g. MTOSI) * controllers are triggered by the orchestrator to drive an element towards a desired lifecycle state (intent based API) or are instructed to execute a specific lifecycle state transition (e.g. start, stop, ...) * elements need to be mapped to a specific type which allows to identify which controller to choose for automating its lifecycle * the dependencies between elements need to be categorized so that the orchestrator can make use of this information to trigger cascading actions in the course of changes of individual elements Specifically: * due to the differences in virtualization technologies it is probably not really effective to try to define an abstract model on top of e.g. OpenStack and Kubernetes since the VNFC artefacts would have to be completely different (container images, possibly software packages, etc.) - rather standardize the main attributes for these technology domains from an industry perspective, introduce appropriate corresponding controllers and allow VNF providers to map their descriptors against these attributes * the environment specific aspects of a telco deployment need to be categorized in more detail so that vendors can highlight which attributes would relate to the environment specific configuration and thus reduce the overall complexity by hiding all the other possible customization options Proposal for Next Steps The automation tools will become more and more complex if these guidelines cannot be fulfilled therefore leading to inconsistent and costly implementations. Therefore, a close cooperation with VNF/PNF vendors and the ONAP community is advisable and should address following topics: * standardization of the lifecycle states and transitions which need to be supported * standardization of types of dependencies between required elements of VNF/PNF solutions * development of models according to the guidelines mentioned above * streamlining of the interfaces between the designer, orchestrator and controllers to reflect the guidelines I hope the considerations are of interest for the community and would be delighted to present and discuss the ideas in more detail e.g. via WebEx. Kind Regards Bernard Tsai Deutsche Telekom AG Technology Architecture & Innovation Bernard Tsai T-Online Allee 1, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany +49 6151 583-7592 (Phone) +49 171 975-4614 (Mobile) E-Mail: bernard.t...@telekom.de<mailto:bernard.t...@telekom.de> www.telekom.com<http://www.telekom.com/> Life is for sharing. You can find the obligatory information on www.telekom.com/compulsory-statement<http://www.telekom.com/compulsory-statement> Big changes start small - conserve resources by not printing every e-mail. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#13172): https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/message/13172 Mute This Topic: https://lists.onap.org/mt/27484805/21656 Group Owner: onap-discuss+ow...@lists.onap.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/unsub [arch...@mail-archive.com] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-