On Friday night I had a very long email composed on this topic, but upon a
re-read and after today's PTL call I scrapped it all and started over.  


Thanks to those of you whom have sent me links to a myriad of Zoom security
blog posts and articles from the interwebs.   The problem is that all of
these recommendations on are focused on private  Zoom meetings and open
source meetings are not private.   However on the PTL call we did brainstorm
around the directly conflicting needs of keeping out bad actors while
staying open, welcoming and inclusive. Here's the logical order of


Knowing who is joining a meeting - ACTION REQUIRED BY ALL COMMUNITY MEMBERS

Everyone should immediately begin following the model used by many other OSS
communities and change your Zoom name to First-name FAMILY-NAME (company) -
capitalization of family name here is intentional to help our global
Example:  Hosty MCHOSTFACE (Fetzervalve)


Enable Waiting room for all meetings

I'm actively resetting all of the accounts to waiting room now. Depending on
the meeting this has the potential for a lot of administrative overhead and
it is impractical to rely on the person hosting/sharing to manage this.
Waiting room utilization therefore requires responsible delegation on the
part of the meeting owner.

*       The Host needs to grant co-host privileges to a couple other
attendees to monitor the waiting room to act as the door monitor.  Also
co-hosts are necessary to help identify and boot bombers.
*       As a community we would need to establish an unambiguous criteria to
determine if  someone should be admitted to the call or not. I believe that
criteria should be as simple as seeing the First-name FAMILY-NAME (company)
in the waiting room.  If there is ever any question, the door monitor can
always ask.

Hide meeting links and/or passwords from bots or a google search.

I have reset the permissions on the newly created
https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-meetings list to be viewable only if logged
into Groups.io. Also, I have created a wiki space for hosting meeting
information <https://wiki.onap.org/x/tQCLBQ>  that is similarly not
anonymously viewable but can be seen by anyone that is logged into the wiki.
I am starting the process of moving all of our meeting pages to the new wiki
space this afternoon. The community is responsible for changing any zoom
meeting passwords and corresponding meeting invites.  


Permit authenticated Zoom accounts only  

I really don't want to resort to this unless absolutely necessary as it will
block any community members in the PRC that do not have a paid Zoom account.
If the above steps have been followed, (new meeting password, user naming
conventions and the waiting room) and a meeting still gets bombed, then and
only then do I believe we should revert to authenticated users only.


Thanks for your support and patience.



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