I think ONAP should have an ONAP User Group. The goal of this group would be to 
foster the use of ONAP rather then handle the development of ONAP which we have 
been so focused on.  I think if we intermingle the two to much we are just 
slowing things down. Now I don’t know what form this should take on. It could 
be a subcommittee, something else or handled outside the LF entirely as it has 
no code impact. To define the scope a bit clearer I added a a mock up welcome 
page below.

Any thoughts/suggestions on the topic?



Welcome to the ONAP User Community page. This is the place where you can:

- exchange information on how to use ONAP
- post ONAP use cases you might have created (documentation, source code, 
configuration or whatever else you might want to share)
- find others which might want to work with you in prototyping an ONAP use case
- keep the community updated on what you are trying out

Note: It is OK to post links to propietery use cases here.

The goal of this community  is to foster collaboration but also to collect as 
much information as possible on how ONAP is being used with as little 
constrains/overhead as possible (no approval required you work with whom you 
want to work doing what you want).

The user community meets once a week to discuss issues and ideas from the user 
community and might organize work shops colocated with other events 

This is not the place where you define use cases which drive new features into 
the platform or any other platform development questions. To define use cases 
which drive new features into the platform please go through the process 
defined in the ONAP use case sub committee.
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