Hi -


On Aug 8, 2011, at 8:38 AM, Kay Schenk wrote:

> On 08/08/2011 08:29 AM, Dave Fisher wrote:
>> Hi Kay,
>> I was able to get HTML wrapped using the Apache CMS last night. I'm not 
>> ready to commit anything yet. I'll summarize where I am and possible next 
>> steps.
>> In order to make progress the key was investigating the source for the {% %} 
>> template tagging. This is found here:
>> cms/build/lib/Dotiac/DTL/Tag
>> I changed view.pm to include an html_page procedure
>> In path.pm I added a pattern for html wrapping.
>> our @patterns = (
>>         [qr!\.mdtext$!, single_narrative =>  { template =>  
>> "single_narrative.html" }],
>>         [qr!\.html$!, html_page =>  { template =>  "html_page.html" }],
>> ) ;
> ah! good! So this can be parsed on a page by page basis? If so, super!
>> The template html_page.html looks a lot like single_narrative.html but adds 
>> an override to the content block.
>> {% extends "skeleton.html" %}
>> {% block content %}{% autoescape off %}{{ content }}{% endautoescape %}{% 
>> endblock %}

Now is this:

{% extends "skeleton.html" %}
  {% block content %}{% autoescape off %}{{ content }}{% endautoescape %}{% 
endblock %}
{$ endextends $}

>> We keep a single skeleton which is good.
> This is great news! Thanks for your wonderful insights and work!

You are welcome. With a few tweaks things are committed and the process works!

>> Next steps are
>> - blocks for javascript and css insertion.

For testing purposes I split the www/index.html into an index.style and 
shortened index.html.

I'm not sure if this is best or if the split needs to be done while processing 
the view. This is a subject for tomorrow.

Also, this page needs a lot of work on styles to make it look like before. 
Kenai stores content in places we may not have access to via the svn repos like 

>> - controlling sidenav. The current html_page.html is not very good for the 
>> pages that Carl modified in the download directory.

For all html wrapped content I now turn off the sidenav. For mdtext the sidenav 

>> - header and footer framework

For tomorrow.

>> - online cms editing of html

Confirmed the editing of html. There is syntax coloring in the CMS WebGUI.

>> - scripting of Kenai html into CMS compatible - stripping of headers and 
>> extraction of javascript and css.

To be discussed. It depends on how many sets of special page styles are really 
needed. Here is how it currently works:

Here is the script for wrapping the html:

sub html_page {
    my %args = @_;
    my %styleargs = @_;
    my $file = "content$args{path}";
    my $template = $args{template};
    $args{breadcrumbs} = breadcrumbs($args{path});

    read_text_file $file, \%args;

    my $page_path = $file;
    $page_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.page/;
    if (-d $page_path) {
        for my $f (grep -f, glob "$page_path/*.mdtext") {
            $f =~ m!/([^/]+)\.mdtext$! or die "Bad filename: $f\n";
            $args{$1} = {};
            read_text_file $f, $args{$1};

    my $style_path = $file;
    $style_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.style/;
    if (-f $style_path) {
        read_text_file $style_path, \%styleargs;
        $args{scriptstyle} = $styleargs{content};

    return Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;

Which interacts with templates/skeleton.html

  <title>{% block title %}{{ headers.title }}{% endblock %}</title>
{% autoescape off %}{% if scriptstyle %}{{ scriptstyle }}{% else %}{% include 
"scriptstyle.html"%}{% endif %}{% endautoescape %}

So you see there is a default location for css and javascript.

The question is if there should be a set of selectable javascript/css 
templates, or if we want to have these files be next to the file they apply to.

If we go to a specific set of templates method then we would change to:

{% autoescape off %}{% if scriptstyle %}{% include scriptstyle %}{% else %}{% 
include "scriptstyle.html"%}{% endif %}{% endautoescape %}


>> Regards,
>> Dave
>> On Aug 7, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Kay Schenk wrote:
>>> On 08/06/2011 09:03 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:
>>>> On Aug 4, 2011, at 12:16 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
>>>>> I just wanted to report that this script worked just fine as near
>>>>> as I can tell.
>>>> Great. When I did the work for the www and download project I used a
>>>> different script which is still a stub as there was a hand editing
>>>> step to correct inconsistent line endings.
>>>>> The post about the script  has shown up in several places, but
>>>>> placing it as its own subject seemed appropriate.
>>> yes...it got buried! :)
>>>>> Now back to investigating headers/footers.
>>>> I added a page to the wiki with some of my thoughts today about
>>>> headers and footers for the websites including the MediaWiki and User
>>>> Forums.
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Website+Template
>>> good! this needs regular updating as we iron out issues...I'll take a look
>>>> I am going to try a new template/skeleton.html tomorrow.
>>>> Regards, Dave
>>> OK, I'm going to try to start "migrating" some of the old OO.o pages to the 
>>> "www" area on Apache today. I won't link them in to anything. This will 
>>> just be for my education at this point.
>>> So, I am kind of wondering why you took "download" off the main line so to 
>>> speak. Thoughts?
>>> As far as I'm concerned given the current layout and "incubator" status, we 
>>> might consider just leaving the side navigation items as they are or 
>>> augmenting them somewhat, and using this existing "template" instead of the 
>>> more involved "top tab" business currently with the OO.o site. But...we'll 
>>> see what we think after a few "tests" I guess.
>>> later...
>>>>> --
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> MzK
>>>>> "If you can keep your head when all others around you are losing
>>>>> theirs - maybe you don't fully understand the situation!" --
>>>>> Unknown
>>> --
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> MzK
>>> "Those who love deeply never grow old;
>>> they may die of old age, but they die young."
>>>                        -- Sir Arthur Pinero
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MzK
> "Those who love deeply never grow old;
> they may die of old age, but they die young."
>                        -- Sir Arthur Pinero

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