Dear Rony,

Sorry for the lagging replies; I am away from my computers and only check my 
mail every now and then.

Short recap of the terminology for the non-Apple users:

macOS <> is what the current GUI and 
operating system for Apples computers is called.

Darwin <> (or DARWIN) is 
the Unix dialect upon which macOS is built. Darwin was inherited from NeXT and 
is the reason macOS is more related to Linux/Unix when it comes to building 

A „Bundle <>“ is a concept in macOS 
with a specific structure. On a Mac all applications are normally stored as 
Bundles in the /Applications folder

A „Framework 
<>“ has the 
same (or similar) structure a a Bundle, but is is stored in the (for the user 
invisible)  /Library/Frameworks⁩. Version 3 of Python installs itself as a 
Framework as do Bsf4ooRexx.

A „Package <>“ is a simpler 
concept than a Bundle or a Framework. I quote: 

"In the Apple macOS <> operating system, a 
package is a file system directory 
<> that is normally 
displayed to the user by the Finder 
<> as if it were a single file.“

My proposed installer of ooRexx for macOS creates a Package.

> The reason why I would like to discuss the location of the system wide 
> installed ooRexx interpreter is simple: if I know where to look for a system 
> wide ooRexx installation I could adapt the BSF4ooRexx installer such, that it 
> would only install its ooRexx, if no ooRexx is available on the Apple 
> machine. This would add the benefit for ooRexx that indeed an Apple 
> Applications bundle gets added with an application that merely creates the 
> Apple task bar and makes e.g. the documentation available to the user (in 
> addition to the BSF4ooRexx menu items). 
From the above it is clear that it would be correct „Applish“ to install ooRexx 
either as a Framework (as BSF4ooRexx is currently doing it) or as a Bundle in 
the /Applications folder.

- This is not possible without creating a pkg installer (I know of no way to 
include pre- and postinstall flights otherwise), which in its turn forces the 
use of 3rd party installer building tools, like Packages 
<> I have done this in the 
past manually, and it is mind-boggling and unintuitive. It can be done (Rony is 
proof of that) but any single tiny change and you are back at square one.

- I have tried, and failed, to script Packages, Without a command line version 
of Packages it will not be possible to automate the builds.

- Installing a Framework forces the use of „Sudo“, i.e. it will not be usable 
for those who need to use ooRexx without elevated rights.

- We introduce the dependency of yet another 3rd party Application (Think 

-The uninstaller is a command line exercise (and we must provide it to the user 
so that it is available to him if he want to uninstall ooRexx).

Installing to another place, like /opt or /usr/local will also automatically 
force the use of elevated rights (sudo) when creating the (many) symlinks).

> A system wide installation needs links from the ooRexx bin and lib files to 
> /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib which is as simple as preceeding the link 
> commands with "sudo" (which will ask the user for the appropriate 
> credentials, if the installer itself does not have them acquired already).

This is not completely true. What I propose (and have shown a mockup of) can be 
seen as a Package in Applish. If the user clicks the ooRexx Icon it will show 
the documentation, the License and the internal structure (/bin, /lib etc). 

The only requirement for ooRexx to run (fully and completely, including man 
pages, sample files, documentation etc) is that the /bin folder is in the path 
(/Applications/ooRexx5/bin for instance). Once that is assured no further links 
(also not to the /lib folder) are necessary after Enrico´s brilliant 
contribution. The Package created is truly sudo-free and universally 
relocatable. The further advantage of this (besides being installable even on a 
USB stick and uninstallable by a drag&drop) is that you can have as many 
versions of ooRexx as you desire, the switching requires only a single change 
to the path.

I reiterate: The dmg installer I have created contains of a number of straight 
forward system commands and introduce no 3rd party dependencies. It can be run 
as an „Afterburner“ to the normal build steps. This is what I do locally and 
could easily provide for Jenkins.

Should something else be desired I urge anyone to step forward and pick up the 
> ---rony
> On 20.08.2020 22:25, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
>> Dear Rony,
>> The installation we have today for macOS have the internal Unix structure 
>> but can be moved anywhere as long as the ooRexx5/bin is in the path. There 
>> is absolutely NO need to create symbolic links for ooRexx to work. This is 
>> the reason why it is possible to do a dmg installer using simple shell 
>> commands, all tools that are needed to create the package are already 
>> present on the build machine.
>> My proposal was to enable the move of the package to /Applications as a 
>> directory cloaked as an app.
>> In „Appleish“ this is not strictly an app (the internal structure is 
>> different) but I see no real problem in moving the package to /Applications, 
>> if the user wants to uninstall ooRexx all s/he needs to do is a single 
>> drag&drop to the garbage bin. If someone considers me to be a „bad“ Apple 
>> citizen so be it :-)
>> As soon as you talk about „Frameworks“ or „Bundles“ in Appleish you force 
>> the use of a proper pkg installer with all the overhead (pre- and post 
>> install scripts, .plist files and many many symlinks that needs to be 
>> created). And, since Apple does not foresee a proper way of uninstalling 
>> stuff from the GUI (here, for once, Windows has an advantage) you not only 
>> need to create an uninstall script, you forces upon the user the necessity 
>> of using a sommand-line shell script.
>> Further, since Apple have removed the possibility to create pkg installers 
>> from the command line, we are forced to script 3rd party installer creation 
>> apps from CMake. I have tried this a number of times and given it up.
>> If the general opinion is that we cannot just move the (Unix-like) package 
>> into /Internal, it ends here as far as I am concerned; I cannot help with an 
>> installer having all the niceties that you write about below.
>> Maybe the better option would be to reach out to the people creating 
>> installers (and uninstallers) for all kind of stuff (mainly Homebrew and 
>> Ports). They should be able to create the necessary symbolic links since the 
>> installation can run from anywhere, also from /usr/local/cellar (Home-brew) 
>> or from /opt/Local (MacPorts).
>> Here a mockup of how „my“ dmg installer looks like
>> <ooRexx5 Installer on macOS.png>
>>> Am 19.08.2020 um 11:39 schrieb Rony G. Flatscher < 
>>> <>>:
>>> Dear P.O.,
>>> firstly, *any* official installer for MacOSX is fine with me! :)
>>> In principle there are two different approaches on the Mac, using a) the 
>>> Unix structures (having "bin", "lib", etc.) or using b) Apple's Developer 
>>> bundle structures which define how Applications and Frameworks bundles 
>>> should be structured (an brief overview of bundles can be seen 
>>> here:<>
>>> <>).
>>> Ad a) using the Unix conventions
>>> here the next question is, where to put "ooRexx". Currently the directories 
>>> are 1) "~/Applications" and 2) "/Applications".  1) would be probably o.k., 
>>> because a user can do anything on his home directory, 2) would be 
>>> problematic as currently your installation is not an "Application bundle". 
>>> If I am not mistaken, you need to link to "/usr/local/bin" and 
>>> "/usr/local/lib" in case 2)?
>>> The Unix convention seems to be to install such structured applications 
>>> from third parties to "/opt" which is also the case for Apple. So my 
>>> suggestion would be, if one installs ooRexx systemwide for the Mac, then 
>>> install it to "/opt/ooRexx" and creating the necessary links to 
>>> "/usr/local" as usual.
>>> Ad b) using the Apple conventions (which the BSF4ooRexx installer does), 
>>> which probably is not needed and complicates everything for the goal to 
>>> become a "native Apple citizen" :)
>>> The Apple world revolves around "Frameworks" for code that is to serve 
>>> multiple applications and used to build applications and tools. The Apple 
>>> XCode uses frameworks to simplify supplying the libraries an 
>>> application/tool needs to link to. ooRexx would fall under this category, 
>>> hence a need to create a "Frameworks" bundle (cf. 
>>> e.g.<>
>>> <>)
>>> The "Applications" bundles are meant for - Applications and must contain an 
>>> application by the same name as the Applications bundle without the ".app" 
>>> extension! It is possible to use Info.plist to define that application (in 
>>> BSF4ooRexx cf. the keys "CFBundelExecutable" and "CFBundleIdentifier" and 
>>> environment). 
>>> As a result your ooRexx installer for MacOSX is *not* an Apple Application 
>>> bundle and therefore should not be placed into any folder that is named 
>>> "Applications" as this would be misleading on Apple. Rather I would suggest 
>>> either "/opt/ooRexx" (for a systemwide installation with appropriate links 
>>> to "/usr/local") or "~/opt/ooRexx" (plus updating the user's PATH 
>>> environment variable).
>>> ---rony
>>> P.S.: The plain-vanilla BSF4ooRexx installer (the zip-file) for Windows and 
>>> Linux is also able to install on the Mac. It will install itself to 
>>> "/opt/BSF4ooRexx" there as well. (As in the past there were no installers 
>>> for ooRexx 5.0 beta I created with the help of students the Apple bundle 
>>> structure conforming installer.)
>>> On 18.08.2020 23:27, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
>>>>> Am 18.08.2020 um 14:11 schrieb Rony G. Flatscher < 
>>>>> <>>:
>>>>> Dear P.O.,
>>>>> On 17.08.2020 22:51, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
>>>>>>> Question ad Apple/Mac (Darwin)
>>>>>>> CMakeLists.txt overrules the CMake default and explicitly installs to 
>>>>>>> "set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX $ENV{HOME}/Applications/ooRexx${ORX_MAJOR}" 
>>>>>>> (cf. CMakeLists.txt, line # 247. This means that no system wide 
>>>>>>> installation of ooRexx is done.
>>>>>>> Question 2 (Apple question): should the default installation be to 
>>>>>>> /usr/local, such that by default a system wide installation takes place 
>>>>>>> like on Linux?
>>>>>> Personally I think /usr/local would be illogical for macOS (DARWIN). On 
>>>>>> macOS there is no need to „install“ ooRexx 5. Thanks to Enrico it can 
>>>>>> run from anywhere without any installation step. For this reason I think 
>>>>>> it would make sense to treat it as any other „App“ on macOS.
>>>>>> The current agreement is to put the ooRexx 5 package in the users 
>>>>>> Applications directory ~/Applications (in my case in 
>>>>>> /Users/po/Applications), this comes with some disadvantages:
>>>>>> (i) the user may need to create ~/Applications (it is not there on a 
>>>>>> pristine system)
>>>>>> (ii) the user need to amend the path
>>>>>> (iii) the installation is for that one user only.
>>>>>> (iv) to uninstall ooRexx the path needs to be restored again
>>>>>> My proposal would be to put the installation in /Applications, where 
>>>>>> virtually all applications reside that are installed by the user. This 
>>>>>> would mean that all disadvantages (i)-(iv) would go away automatically.
>>>>>> It would further provide a well recognized method of 
>>>>>> installing/uninstalling, a simple drag&drop to the garbage bin would be 
>>>>>> sufficient to remove every trace of ooRexx. Since /Applications is 
>>>>>> already in the path also the man pages work as expected.
>>>>>> I have already made a post-build script (driven by Cmake) that produces 
>>>>>> a dmg installer that looks exactly like the installers provided by any 
>>>>>> regular „app“, with the familiar drag&drop functionality, also including 
>>>>>> the documentation, license etc. If there is an interest I can show a 
>>>>>> mockup (I                                   do not have access to the 
>>>>>> real thing from where I am now). 
>>>>> Yes, this would be much better IMHO!
>>>>> Do you distinguish between "/Library/Frameworks" and "/Applications" 
>>>>> locations as the Apple developer guide suggests? 
>>>> Nope. The installation ends up in subfolder ~/Applications/ooRexx5
>>>>> The "/Library/Frameworks/ooRexx.framework" locations should be used for 
>>>>> the binaries and include files (e.g. 
>>>>> "ooRexx.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/librexxapi.3.dylib" ... 
>>>>> "ooRexx.framework/Versions/A/Headers/oorexxapi.h" 
>>>>> ..."ooRexx.framework/Versions/A/Commands/rexx"...). Then link "Libraries" 
>>>>> to "Versions/Current/Libraries" and the like for "Commands", "Headers", 
>>>>> "Shared“.
>>>> There is no need to complicate things :-) While this is true for a 
>>>> „Framework“ it is not necessary for ooRexx to work as it is set up now.
>>>> The current setup is more similar to a „Bundle“ in that there is no need 
>>>> to link it to other resources. ooRexx5 is self contained. This is how the 
>>>> folder structure looks like on a standard installation:
>>>> /Users/noob/Applications
>>>>                └── ooRexx5
>>>>                    ├── bin
>>>>                    ├── include
>>>>                    ├── lib
>>>>                    └── share
>>>>                        ├── man
>>>>                        │   └── man1
>>>>                        └── ooRexx
>>>>                            ├── native.api
>>>> This is very similar to Linux in that the bin, lib, include and share are 
>>>> all at the same hierarchical level.
>>>>> The binaries should then be linked to "/usr/local/bin" and the libraries 
>>>>> to "/usr/local/lib" which makes them systemwide available, hence ooRexx 
>>>>> can be deployed from everywhere.
>>>> Again, there would be no need. Changing
>>>> set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX $ENV{HOME}/Applications/ooRexx${ORX_MAJOR}“ 
>>>> To
>>>> set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX $ENV/Applications/ooRexx${ORX_MAJOR}" 
>>>> Would automatically make ooRexx available system-wide, since /Applications 
>>>> is in the path by default on macOS.
>>>>> The "/Applications" directory would contain some "" folder, but 
>>>>> would need some program that offers a GUI via which one e.g. could get 
>>>>> access to the sample and pdf help files.
>>>> Nope. It is very simple to cloak the ooRexx5 folder (programmatically!) as 
>>>> an app folder and add for instance the documentation and license. I am 
>>>> already doing this in the ooRexx 5 dmg installer I was talking about 
>>>> earlier.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> If the official ooRexx gets installed into /Library/Frameworks" I could 
>>>>> adapt the BSF4ooRexx installer for Mac to then only install the 
>>>>> "/Applications/" folder which I then might rename to 
>>>>> "/Applications/". Currently BSF4ooRexx includes ooRexx as 
>>>>> in the past there was no working ooRexx installation package anymore, it 
>>>>> includes a small Java application which creates the Mac menu bar with all 
>>>>> sorts of folders and programs (comparable to Windows), such that the 
>>>>> sample and pdf help files become easily accessible by the users.
>>>> I strongly object to installing standalone ooRexx as a „Framework“ This is 
>>>> not only complicated but also need a fully fledged sudo pkg installer, 
>>>> with pre-and post install scripts, I have done it in the past and it was a 
>>>> true PITA.
>>>> Please also realize that the internal structure of a „Framework“ is 
>>>> entirely different to the default installation (see above) and Linux, 
>>>> making references to for instance the samples different compared to Linux 
>>>> or the current structure of macOS. If 
>>>> filespec('Location',.rexxinfo~executable) provides
>>>>  /Users/noob/Applications/ooRexx5/bin
>>>> all I need to do to locate the samples would be this:
>>>> /Users/noob/Applications/ooRexx5/bin/../share/ooRexx
>>>> And it would be the same for Linux and macOS.
>>>> Now, for a „Framework“ installation the names of the subfolders are 
>>>> different and will need further testing.
>>>> Moving the Whole Shebang from ~/Applications to /Applications (without ANY 
>>>> other modifications) would be the best option in my opinion.
>>>> Here a mockup of how the installation would look like to the user.
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