As may or may not be of interest to ObjectRexx developers, I have just checked 
in code that brings back to life
the Open Object Rexx bindings written 7 years ago to my PigIron Java bridge to 

So far, only one change to the code was necessitated by modern ObjectRexx 
itself, specifically, that the arguments
to USE ARG must now be comma-separated. At least, I think that changed. If that 
isn't a modern change, I have no idea
how my code ever worked in the first place in 2009 :)

These bindings use BSF4ooRexx.

With ObjectRexx in your path and and BSF4ooRexx jar and pigiron.jar in your 
try out the test scripts in pigiron/scripts/oorexx/functest for examples of 

Of course one will need to check out the latest code and build PigIron, because 
I have not yet made a new release.

Jack Woehr               # "There's too much emphasis on things
Box 51, Golden CO 80402  #  like pawn structure in modern chess. #  Checkmate ends the game." - N. Short

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