Dan, we have tried it already but without success. We have made the changes in the file /openils/var/web/opac/skin/default/xml/result/result_table.xml.

Do you think that it should be sufficient to make the desired changes in this file or is it necessary to make them during the installation process (as the location Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/xml/result/result_table.xml you have mentioned might indicate)? Or - in case we have Evergreen already installed - is it necessary to make some changes in some other files or something like that?

Thank you in advance for your view!


PS: Also a big thank you goes to you for all of your recommendations regarding our favorite ;-) facet translations etc. - we usually proceed little by little as we fiddle with Evergreen in our spare time :-).

Dne 19.1.2012 07:22, Linda Jansova napsal(a):
Thank you, Dan! We shall definitely try it :-)!


Dne 18.1.2012 16:15, Dan Scott napsal(a):
On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 02:34:41PM -0500, Mike Rylander wrote:
2012/1/16 Linda Jansova<skolk...@chello.cz>:

We have come across a probably more or less country-specific issue:

In Jabok Library, reference books (i.e., books which cannot be
checked out
and can only be read in the library) don't share the same copy
location (as
often, though probably not always, do reference books in US libraries).
Rather, the books in Jabok Library are dispersed throughout the
library. A
typical example would five copies of the book - four of them could be
checked out and one of them could not be. All five copies would be
physically located on the very same shelf - distinguished by a spine
so that the user immediately sees whether he or she is able to check
out the
particular copy.

When it comes to Evergreen (we are currently using version 2.0.9),
would you
recommend creating a new copy status (in Server Administration -> Copy
statuses) entitled (in English) say "Reference" which would be
visible in
the OPAC and one could not place holds on it? What we need is to
make it
more visible for the user to see whether a particular copy is a
"usual" copy
which could be checked out whether it is a reference book... In case
we use
the copy status as indicated, we (and the users of course) can
see the status below the record of the title...

Or perhaps an entirely different solution would be better in this case?

There's a Reference flag that can be set on a per-copy basis, and can
be used to disallow holds and circulations.
Building on what Mike said, that Reference flag for copies is exposed in
the data available to BibTemplate (in the JavaScript OPAC) using the
marcxml-full data type - which is what the search result copy summaries
are built from.

So, let's peek behind the veil to see a snippet of the XML that's

<holdings xmlns="http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1";>
<count type="public" count="2" available="2" unshadow="2"
transcendant="0" org_unit="1" depth="0"/>
<count type="public" count="2" available="2" unshadow="2"
transcendant="0" org_unit="105" depth="1"/>
<volume id="tag:open-ils.org:asset-call_number/1744485" lib="OSUL"
opac_visible="t" deleted="f" label="QA 76.76 S46 Z55 2006">
<copy id="tag:open-ils.org:asset-copy/490288"
edit_date="2011-03-28T09:36:52-0400" copy_number="" circulate="t"
deposit="f" ref="f" holdable="t" deleted="f" deposit_amount="0.00"
price="" barcode="30007008266958" circ_modifier="BOOK" circ_as_type=""
<status ident="0" opac_visible="t">Available</status>
<location ident="142" opac_visible="t">Circulation (3rd floor)</location>
<circlib ident="103" opac_visible="t">J.N. Desmarais Library</circlib>
<circ_lib xmlns="http://open-ils.org/spec/actors/v1";
id="tag:open-ils.org:actor-org_unit/103" shortname="OSUL"
name="J.N. Desmarais Library" opac_visible="t"/>
<prefix ident="-1" id="tag:open-ils.org:asset-call_number_prefix/-1"
<suffix ident="-1" id="tag:open-ils.org:asset-call_number_suffix/-1"
<owning_lib xmlns="http://open-ils.org/spec/actors/v1";
id="tag:open-ils.org:actor-org_unit/103" shortname="OSUL" name="J.N.
Desmarais Library"/>

All of that is mostly to expose what is available to sites to fairly
easily customize displays. In your case, the<copy> element is what
you're looking for, and the "ref" attribute is what tells you whether
the reference flag has been checked off. You could then adjust the
BibTemplate code in
Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/xml/result/result_table.xml to check the
value of the "ref" attribute and alter the display accordingly, within
the scope of the "dojo.query('copy', vol).forEach(function (cp) {" loop.

For example, you could assign the value of copy.getAttribute('ref') to a
variable, and then within the chunk of code that determines the display
status, make it generate "Reference" instead of "Available" (or append
"Reference" to the current status string, and/or make it an HTML element
with a title attribute so that when the user hovers over it it says
"Cannot be held or circulated") or something like that.

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