Dear Yamil,

Thanks a lot for sharing the approach with setting authority records' status to deleted! We have just used it on our test server and so far it seems it would work for us :-)!

As we only had a handful of authority records attached to bibs, we have used the following simple SQL statement:

UPDATE authority.record_entry SET active='F', deleted='T' WHERE id<>7347 AND id<>11 AND id<>1 AND id<>9 AND id<>10;

Thank you once again, you have saved us quite some work when we would otherwise have to merge records!


On 29.10.2015 15:24, Yamil Suarez wrote:

I have some experience with authorities, though I did not write any of
the underlying code so I hope others chime in. My uneducated
impression that I have so far is that within the database authorities
records share a lot of the design of of bib records.

For example, the main table for bib records and auths are both called
"record_entry" though they have their own separate DB schema
(authority.record_entry v.s. biblio.record_entry).

Therefore one approach to batch delete authorities is to use SQL to
set the authority.record_entry boolean column "deleted" to a value of
"true." I have seen this approach taken with bibs, though of course in
this approach "deleted = true" the bib or authority record is not
actually destroyed but just hidden from view.

I would want to hear from someone else to see if there are other
authority tables that should be updated too for this "deleted"
approach or perhaps this is good enough.

Also, at this point I do not know how to write a SQL code that would
only list authorities that have not been linked, so that you only
delete the ones you want.

Of course there is a way with SQL to actually erase/destroy the
authority records, but I would first want to hear from others if there
are additional authority related tables/rows (besides
authority.record_entry) that should also be deleted at the same time.
Therefore keeping your database free from unnecessary table rows. BTW,
one reason you see a lot of EG folks use the "deleted = true" approach
instead of completely erasing records is to guard against accidental
deletions, because this way you can easily undo a deletion.

Hope this helps, and if it does I can supply some sample SQL code to
get you started.

Good luck,

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 2:31 AM, Linda Jansova <> wrote:
Hi all,

We are on 2.8.2 and just trying to delete authority records that are not
attached to bib records (or even remove all authority records from our
database as a vast majority of these records have been imported by accident
when one import file was confused with another).

Any ideas how to perform this task safely?

Thank you in advance for any clues :-)!


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