Hi all,

The 2017 Evergreen International Conference Committee is seeking proposals
for 3 hour long pre-conference workshops to take place on Wednesday April
5th, 2017.

A few weeks ago the committee performed a survey to see what types of
programs people would be interested in attending.  The results of the
survey included the following:

 SQL (PostgreSQL)


 Using Acquisitions

 Using Serials

 Holds configuration.

 Cataloging clean-up/deduplication

 Linked data

 How to use git

 How to contribute documentation

 Action triggers, how, what, when

 Cataloging in a consortia environment

 Web client in depth

Selected presenters will be offered complimentary conference registration.

The original deadline for submission of proposals for pre-conference
workshops was November 24, 2016.  Because of my error of posting the notice
only to the developer's listserv, I would like to extend that deadline to
December 8, 2016.

Please contact Garry Collum at (garry.col...@kentonlibrary.org) or Anna
Goben at (ago...@library.in.gov) with any questions.

Please submit proposals to eg-conf-progr...@list.evergreen-ils.org.

 Garry Collum

 Kenton County Public Library

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