We believe all the bills have been paid, all the numbers are in, and we have good news to report about the 2010 Evergreen International Conference budget!

One of the 2010 planning team's original goals for this year was to "establish a self-sustaining Evergreen International Conference."  We're proud to announce we've reached that goal!  And not only did we cover all expenses, we have some $2,500 in seed money for next year's conference (details below).

We couldn't have done this without the help of our generous sponsors who answered our call and lifted the conference out of the red in the final weeks of planning.  Nor could we have done this without the financial services of several Equinox staff who spent numerous hours tracking income and expenses and putting Equinox's weight as fiscal agent behind this conference.

Finally, we couldn't have done it without all you conference attendees and the overall support of the Evergreen community--thanks again for making Evergreen 2010 such a success!

- The 2010 Evergreen International Conference Team: Michele Montague (chair), Elaine Bosch, Marla Ehlers, Kristen Krueger-Corrado, Bill Ott, and Dawn Roberts

Income Totals
Registrations and Exhibits $28,545.00
Sponsorships $9,250.00
Total Income $37,795.00

Registration Expenses $2,129.39
Presenter Expenses $2,020.73
Conference Center Costs $25,245.77
Promotional Expenses $5,821.75
Total Expenses $35,217.64

Net Gain or Loss $2,577.36


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