Hi all,

We are just testing Evergreen 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 and – surprisingly – it seems that although we are able to switch from English to Czech interface in the web staff client, with the exception of several strings (apparently those also used in the OPAC), the staff client remains untranslated.
In Evergreen 3.3.2 the web client localization works okay.

eg-navbar-template script in 3.3.2 seems to load the localization as it contains the strings necessary for the translated interface. But the same script in 3.3.5 only contains a handful of translated strings (such as Domů for Home) and most strings are missing.

An example from web client page source from 3.3.2:
<ul uib-dropdown-menu>
            <a href="./circ/patron/search" target="_self"
              eg-accesskey="alt+s f4"
              eg-accesskey-desc="Hledání čtenář podle jména, adresy apod.">
              <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>
              <span eg-accesskey-label>Hledat čtenáře</span>

The same piece from 3.3.5:
 <ul uib-dropdown-menu>
            <a href="./circ/patron/search" target="_self"
              eg-accesskey="alt+s f4"
              eg-accesskey-desc="Patron search by name, address, etc.">
              <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>
              <span eg-accesskey-label>Search for Patrons</span>

In both cases the page begins with:
<html lang="cs-CZ" ng-app="egHome">

(Just for the record – all the steps that usually work to make sure the complete language switch takes place - like clearing the browser cache - have been performed.)

Does anybody have any idea about what might have happened between 3.3.2 and 3.4.4 that results in the untranslated interface? And, most importantly, how to make the localization work again?

Thank you in advance for any hints!


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