So... trying to wrap my head around this topic a bit more.
Can one of you fellas clarify for me whether or not an eclipse plugin
exists out there that enhances classes for you? Looking around the web
a bit produced the following, which sort of leaves it hanging.
It seems that if I map an ID to an Identity Column, then, OpenJPA
automatically returns a type BigDecimal? I am not using this type
anywhere. It does not happen with other Integer or Long mappings, just with
generated strategy.
Fair enough... just wanted to be clear...
Marc Prud'hommeaux wrote:
You are correct: OpenJPA does require enhancement of classes. This
allows us to be much faster and more efficient for many operations
than a purely reflection-based system can be.
On Sep 20, 2006, at 2:12 PM, Bryan
You are correct: OpenJPA does require enhancement of classes. This
allows us to be much faster and more efficient for many operations
than a purely reflection-based system can be.
On Sep 20, 2006, at 2:12 PM, Bryan Noll wrote:
Hello all... was on vacation for a bit... then the day
Hello all... was on vacation for a bit... then the day job got in the way.
Quick question for the folks more in the know than me. Reading this
it seems lik
[ ]
Michael Dick commented on OPENJPA-24:
Thanks Abe, I was able to load a custom EMF with your changes. I might have
more questions when I get a chance to experi
in derby concat with input parameter needs a cast, otherwise becomes long
varchar and some operations do not work
URL: http://issues.
[ ]
George Hongell updated OPENJPA-56:
Attachment: failureEntities.jar
entity java files and derby ddl script to use to recreate this issue
> in derby concat with input parameter needs a cast, o