On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 20:57 -0700, Patrick Linskey wrote:
> > It might be good to run through the common dev scenarios in 
> > detail to  
> > see which model would work best for this project, since there are so  
> > many sub-projects.
> Good point. I think that we should move to a model where we have a project
> that assembles a single unified jar (including merging contents of META-INF
> files). This seems much more conducive to most normal uses of OpenJPA; I
> think that the sub-projects should be there for advanced users and as an
> internal artifact of how the product is designed and built.
> Does anyone know of existing mvn technology to merge resource files? To
> easily assemble jars together?

Check out the Assembly plugin and it's predefined
"jar-with-dependencies" descriptor[1]. I'm pretty sure that most people
using Maven will just have a runtime dependency on the core OpenJPA
library and be done with it, but it's always nice for Ant users.



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