Hello OpenSCAP users,

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of OpenSCAP 1.2.13.

This is the latest release from the maint-1.2 maintenance branch. API/ABI
are fully compatible with the 1.2.0 release. Users of 1.2.x releases are
recommended to update.

  - Maintenance
    - we always build system_info OVAL probe, fixed configure output accordingly
    - warn when the user requests to generate an ARF from XCCDF 1.1
    - fixed a segfault when loading an OVAL file with invalid family attribute
    - added --thin-results CLI override to oscap xccdf eval
    - added --without-syschar CLI override to oscap xccdf eval
    - fixed a segfault when freeing xccdf_policy of the default profile
    - removed ARF schematron workaround when there are no applicable checks
    - fixed verbose output in oscap xccdf generate fix
    - do not filter fix by applicability when generating remediations from 
    - fixed memory leaks, resource leaks and other minor issues



Martin Preisler
Identity Management and Platform Security | Red Hat, Inc.

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