We are trying to configure Kerberos (MIT) on Rocky 8.5 so that the user ticket is specific for the user session and not for just the user, just as one obtains using pags with AFS.

The reason is that on our front-end nodes users often open more than one session, and we do not want that a kdestroy in a session deletes tickets for all the current user sessions.

I have seen that the question has been discussed in the past on the mailing list

but at the moment we try to use not the "persistent" but the "session" setting for the cache type.

Kerberos documentation


is not clear and no examples are available

What is "name"?

KEYRING:session:name - session keyring

Any suggestions or examples?


Giovanni Bracco
phone  +39 351 8804788
E-mail  giovanni.bra...@enea.it
WWW http://www.afs.enea.it/bracco


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