Hello Everyone,

Perhaps it is widely known already, but I just wanted to share a process that I 
have worked out to get a kerberos ticket and an afs token at login time on 
MacOS.  It seems to work fine for MacOS Ventura and Monterey;  I have not 
tested on other versions.

1) copy a valid krb5.conf file for your realm to /etc/krb5.conf

2) install the Auristor client which is found here:

3) Make sure to allow the Auristor system extension in the security and privacy settings. 
This will require a reboot of the system.  For all of the systems I have tried it on, you 
will see a message with something like "rebuilding the extension cache".

4) After the reboot make sure that you can successfully kinit and get a ticket, 
followed by aklog to get a token.

5) create a user (I always make it an admin) with the same name as your 
kerberos principal.

6) log into the machine and issue kinit --keychain principal_name .  This 
stores your password in the keychain, after this, you will get your ticket on 
login time.

7) in the Auristor preferences, check the boxes:
        Use aklog
        Get credential at login time.

8) reboot the computer.  Upon login I get prompted for my username and password 
twice usually.  My cell takes FOREVER to log in for some reason, but after 
aklog completes in the background, I have a token and can access volumes in the 

There is a program in the app store called 'kerberos ticket autorewnewal'.  I 
have installed it but haven't confirmed its operation.

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