I am looking at needing to setup a large storage array >2TB and mirror it to a remote location and accessed by 8+ machines.  We are looking at using a SAN for the storage scalability reasons and am trying to figure out file systems and replication.  GFS is designed to be run on shared storage and provides locking mechanisms to support that (but doesn't appear to support replication).  OpenAFS supports replicating changes from one place to another (but appears to be designed for exclusive access filesystems).  Is it possible to run openafs on a gfs filesystem?  The way it looks to me, if I want each machine to be able to do it's own thing on the shared storage, each node would then have to run the server and client.  Is this correct?  This doesn't really seem like an intended use for either of these  products - is there a better way?

Thanks for your thoughts,

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